O yeah. That's a Target. I almost died. And made Melanie humiliate herself by taking a touristy picture of me in front of Target.
I. was. so. happy. O. SO. HAPPY.
Besides. I needed some new work pants/tops/shoes for my first day on the job. DUH. Needless to say, my roommate, being the Canadian she is, did not know what Target was. I think that's when I punched her in the mouth. But don't quote me on that.
Anyway. She too loved it and compared it to Winners. Which, ah-hem, Target is so not comparable imo (that means "in my opinion" for the less text savvy). I win.
Anyway, we barely made it to the event since I was consumed with my real-life Target fantasies. But here are a few pics :-)
Shots on the hizzy!
And for my GOOD friends and their awesome 2008 Gators -- I just had to take this pic!
Go Gators!
Unfortunately they don't have an awesome snack bar. There are also KMarts in Oz and Walmart is called Big W.
OMG GO GATORS that's so awesome!
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