Saturday, December 20, 2008

Blue Mountains

Hey There!
This is my post all about the Blue Mountains. Turns out we really could've done a day trip here, but alas, we booked our room and stayed the night. I'm not going to lie, I really am glad we stayed the night. You'll see why later on. But here we go -- Picture Blog Time!

Here we are on the train to the Blue Mountains! Coffee in hand!

Mel on the train in hand!

View from the train -- in motion

Village on the hill



House on the Hill

Ah. We have arrived at the Blue Mountains -- Mel poses quite well.

I got silly..but not quite the picture I wanted.

Apparently in the Blue Mountains they dance naked.

Oh. Here's the real sign!This is what we travelled across to get to the "other side"

Me on the Skyway!

The glass is transparent as you cross the "canyon"

Waterfall from the skyway

More of the waterfall!

Look! People! Looking!

The sun was in my eyes, but these, ladies and gentlemen, are the Blue Mountains!

Glorious Pictures in 3...2...

Now, you may be asking -- how was the journey to all these beautiful spots?

Well let's start with stairs....And more stairs...
Oh. And more stairs....

YAY! We're here! The Three Sisters!
Closer View.
Me and the ladies!
Then we came to an awesome waterfall...

King of the Waterfall!

This is the amazing railway we got to travel was effin steep.

Although it looks like I'm trying to "pop-a-squat" -- I'm actually drinking this "drinking water" that comes straight from the Mountain. Totally purified.

This was a walkway...that went on forever. Really, to nowhere.

Oh here we go! This is why I was glad we stayed the night. We went walking around looking to stop to eat dinner and ended up at a pub. It was a small pub, only a few people in there, but after deciding whether or not we were going to eat there, I decided, "Damnit. I'm having a drink."
After purchasing a nice, strong beer, we sat down and I immediately engaged a conversation with 2 Australian boys. Say hello to:

HughAnd Luke

Yeah. They turned out to be pretty funny and we just exchanged stories about all of our travels -- especially ones from America. It was a lot of fun. Although, Melanie wasn't drinking (because she hates beer) and started to text....who else?


Pretty nice shot, eh? Boobs and beers. Nothing like it!

As she was texting me, the boys decided we just HAD to see the Three Sisters at night. Which. No lie. Was amazing.Looks pretty nice, huh? Yeah, my camera wasn't about to take a night shot.

They took us on an adventure down to the actual "rocks" -- it was cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Did I mention that these boys were climbers? Ah, yes. Hugh found a hat that must've blown off someone's head (that sounds wrong) and landed just out of reach.

What does Hugh think? Free hat. So he hops the railing and starts climbing his way down the side to fetch the hat. What's his reward? A free hat. I thought he was going to die.

What's my reward? Looking like an idiot.

We came back the following day with a good story and, in my book, that makes it totally worth it.

For a good time, call 555-1234 and ask for The Blue Mountains.

Previous Post:

I'm posting this for now b/c blogspot has really begun to PISS me off. :-)

These are totally out of order and this post will be updated B.E.F.O.R.E. you know it!

Blue Mountain Pictures


rcsjackson said...

Wow boobs and beer!

Ketchup said...

Isn't that how you always pictured Australia? :-) That was quite the holy boobs shot!!

kaymasen said...

yeah i'm just reading this now. but WOW it looks like you had FUN!