I have FINALLY found a place to stay. Okay, so today is only day 3, but I’m feeling 20 times better already. Yesterday I had my orientation with IEP (the program I’m using over here) and I started to feel a little bit better and decided to discuss with them living in a place called Coogee Beach. It’s about 20 minutes from downtown Sydney and, as you can see, it’s RIGHT. ON. THE. BEACH.
People. This is my view from my window. Whaaatt? You may be asking that right now, but yes. This is where I’ll be staying until February 13th.
Can you see how happy I is? (ignore the sun in my eyes).
We --- oooh right. Let me introduce my new roommate, Melanie.

We met through IEP – we both had orientation together and afterwards, we went our separate ways. No reason why, we just both had so much to do and think about.
Well, around 3pm, after visiting the bank and having difficulty there as well as being told all the hostels were booked through Sunday, I went back to IEP to get on the internet and start looking for a place to stay. Let’s just say, I had a mental breakdown. Every computer was being used and I was overwhelmed and super-stressed. FREAKING OUT, if you will.
I got slapped around a couple of times and told that "everything will work out and will be fine, just get a freakin grip, Mate." And I did. This is where Melanie enters.
Turns out she didn’t have a place to stay on Saturday either and started to freak too – and was looking for a place to live. She’s from Canada and just left -30 degree weather (ah-hem, that’s celcius fyi).
Then enter Coogee Beach and OUR AWESOME, SPECTACULAR, AUSTRALIAN VIEW. All the papers are signed and we’ll be moving in this afternoon. The plus, there’s all kinds of restaurants, bars, bistros, surf shops, hostels all within walking distance. The even better part, Bondi beach is about 3k up right road. That’s a little more than a mile and yes, sir, I’ll take it.
That’s my update and I’m starting to feel more comfortable in my surroundings here in Sydney…looks like finding a job is the next step….baby steps. Small, relaxed baby steps.
Pictures from earlier? I have a few, but not a lot. I haven’t felt comfortable just walking around taking pictures yet since I haven’t become settled quite yet. But here are a few from the plane and when I first arrived.
Victoria Bitter as Jess requested for me to try. Yes, I drank this at 4am or 7am East Coast time. Nice.
The sunrise from the plane…it was really amazing.
Right before sunrise from the plane.
My official welcome sign…okay, maybe it’s not mine per se, but it is a nice welcome sign.
1 comment:
Wow, what a gorgeous view! The beach looks spectacular! Don't worry baby I will get to the bank Monday for sure!!
Yes, remember you are only on day 4-5 with the time difference! Think of what you have accomplished already! You are a survivor, remember. Love you, Your Mama
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