So. Here is a list of things that happened to me these past few days:
Topic One:
I worked a 11.75 hour day on Thursday. I went in at 6:45am, got off at 3pm, stayed til 4pm (we usually all stay and have lunch), went home, slept, went back to work at 6pm and got off at 9:30pm. All to do it over again at 9am the next day. Luckily, I got off at 1:30pm that afternoon. Sweet.
Topic Two:
I saw a Burlesque show. It was. Something. Else. I don't think it was quite the Burlesque show most people go to, but then again, I don't know what one really is. Honestly, I felt like I was a peeping-tom watching some girl dance around naked in her living room. I'm not going to say isn't wasn't an experience, because, damn, it was one hell of an experience.
I ate dinner with Minelle (who also went to the Burlesque show with me) at the Meat and Wine Co. It's known's meat. and wine. I know, shocking. Of course we ordered an entree (which means appetizer)
*No Photo Taken*
and dessert...which means...well, dessert.Although. We were sitting outside, downstairs and our view was literally feet. This woman didn't mind. Ew.
After the show, I dragged Minelle to this party hosted by -- thought it'd be a great way to meet new people.
Before dinner and a show, Minelle and I met up at that famous Blackbird Cafe. They have a GREAT Happy Hour -- 1/2 price cocktails, wine, beer and $5 pizza. So. Being in Darling Harbour, that was a must do.
Topic Six:
I took a walk along the coast. It started to drizzle a bit, but I just had to capture the beauty of this walk. Amazing. I didn't go very far, just to Maroubra Beach and back. Maroubra is by far one of my favorite beaches. It's huge and has WAY less people.
One of the chef's, JR, you remember him, made me the most amazing meal ever yesterday. I didn't know what I wanted for lunch, just knew I wanted fish. Our FOD (Fish of the Day) was Mahi-Mahi, so why not. He cooked that up with me and put it all on top of pesto mashed potatoes, field mushrooms and asparagus.
Topic Eight:
I just sent my first WWOOF email to a host on Kangaroo Island. I really hope to hear back from them, preferably positive. This place is an amazing island. Expensive to get to, but com'on, look at those views.

1 comment:
WOW that island is beautiful. I can't believe you've been there a month and a half! Good luck on the WWOOF deal. :)
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