So. Where to begin. Ah, yes. It was a quiet morning here in Coogee. I didn't have to work, I was fine to go about my day with no worries and that I did. Ronnie had invited me out to this bar called Cheers that was playing the Gator National Championship Game. And being the die hard sports fanatic that I am (why are they running towards that post thingy?) -- I immediately accepted.
Took the bus into the city and it. took. forever. The transit system here is WAAAY better than Jax, but you really should give yourself a good hour to get anywhere. They stop all the time and people can pay right on the bus, so, it's a bit of a hassle to get anywhere quickly. I digress.
I went to IEP to pick up the many packages I accumulated over their holiday break. I received a nice Christmas card from my G'ma. Four separate envelopes from my Uncle Sam which contain awesome gift cards. Whhooo. Then a package from my mom that had everything a daughter could want. Makeup galore and sunblock with a SPF of...wait for it...70. SEVENTY! Who would've thunk it?!
I also picked up my WWOOF book and can now start researching places. WWOOF is a volunteer based program where you stay with people on a farm or something similar and can work for them in exchange for accommodation and food. It's a great way to really experience Australia and I say, "Yes, Please." We'll see what's available...
Now. I FINALLY get my ass to the bar. The boys. Oh, the boys, had already begun the festivities around 10:30am. I got there about 1pm. Ronnie informs me he's already had about 4 beers and JUST had a shot of absinthe. Yes, the legal one, but still. At 1pm on a Friday? Oh it begins.
No, actually, he spilled beer -- or so he says...That's Kristi's brother, Kevin, next to him. She couldn't join us for the game because she had to work. Boo.
The casino was okay - Minelle, a girl I met at IEP, met me at the sports bar before we left. She was my entertainment when the boys went off to spend money. We sat with Guy and Kristi (she was able to show up later when she got off work) and just chatted a little bit about life and everything. I was kinda drunk by this time, so I don't remember exact conversation.
Then, Minelle and I got a little hungry and a bit bored, only because we weren't gambling, and decided to take off to grab something to eat and then hit up a bar called Maloney's. On Friday nights, they have $3.50 drinks. Yes, please.
First, we stopped at a restaurant called Docks, split a pizza and had a glass of wine. Then we met up with a couple of other girls at Maloney's.
Then, Minelle and I got a little hungry and a bit bored, only because we weren't gambling, and decided to take off to grab something to eat and then hit up a bar called Maloney's. On Friday nights, they have $3.50 drinks. Yes, please.
First, we stopped at a restaurant called Docks, split a pizza and had a glass of wine. Then we met up with a couple of other girls at Maloney's.
Well after a few drinks, we decided to go our separate ways. I had a hot date with my bed. I hopped the bus back to Coogee and chilled out with my ipod in and my nose in my WWOOF book.
When I got off the bus, I was standing at the cross walk waiting to...oh, I don't know, cross and this random guy and I make eye contact. He comes up to me and just smiles and asks where I'm going. I said home. And he said, me too. And then he walked away. It was kind of funny. Weird, but funny.
I went home and passed out around 11pm.
Well. Around 2am, I am woken up by my body saying F U!!!!! I got up and basically ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach. Everything was turning black and white, I felt incredibly dizzy and thought I was going to die. No joke. I have never felt like that before. I literally thought to myself, "Someone is going to find me dead. On the bathroom floor. In a student dormitory. That sucks." I was somehow able to scrap myself off the tile and walk myself back to my room. I passed my roommate in the hall and her eyes were wide opened and asked me if I was okay. She said I looked a white as a ghost (no pale jokes here, please) and looked as if a train had hit me. She was nice enough to grab some water for me.
Of course, what's the first thing I thought. Someone spiked my drink. I had never been hungover like this before and trust me, I know what hungover is like. I started to think about all my drinks and remember that Guy had bought me one or two -- he could've easily slipped something into one of them. But after careful consideration, I realized that couldn't be the case because he was buying drinks for everyone -- not just me.
So. I thought about the pizza Minelle and I split, but as far as I know, she was fine and didn't get sick.
This is deemed as the case of the unexplainable. I was in bed ALL day yesterday, only to emerge to eat some toast and pasta. Otherwise, I laid curled up in bed with my stomach rumbling so hard that my whole body shook.
It's Sunday morning and I still don't feel that great, but I think it's slowly subsiding. I guess I just happened to pick up one of those 24-48 hours bugs. YES! I've been wanting one since Christmas, so I'm glad Santa delivered. Even if it is a bit late.
So. I'm glad my drink wasn't spiked, no one died and I'm on the road to recovery. But whoa. Let's stick to fun weekends, not weekends spent in bed. No thanks.
When I got off the bus, I was standing at the cross walk waiting to...oh, I don't know, cross and this random guy and I make eye contact. He comes up to me and just smiles and asks where I'm going. I said home. And he said, me too. And then he walked away. It was kind of funny. Weird, but funny.
I went home and passed out around 11pm.
Well. Around 2am, I am woken up by my body saying F U!!!!! I got up and basically ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach. Everything was turning black and white, I felt incredibly dizzy and thought I was going to die. No joke. I have never felt like that before. I literally thought to myself, "Someone is going to find me dead. On the bathroom floor. In a student dormitory. That sucks." I was somehow able to scrap myself off the tile and walk myself back to my room. I passed my roommate in the hall and her eyes were wide opened and asked me if I was okay. She said I looked a white as a ghost (no pale jokes here, please) and looked as if a train had hit me. She was nice enough to grab some water for me.
Of course, what's the first thing I thought. Someone spiked my drink. I had never been hungover like this before and trust me, I know what hungover is like. I started to think about all my drinks and remember that Guy had bought me one or two -- he could've easily slipped something into one of them. But after careful consideration, I realized that couldn't be the case because he was buying drinks for everyone -- not just me.
So. I thought about the pizza Minelle and I split, but as far as I know, she was fine and didn't get sick.
This is deemed as the case of the unexplainable. I was in bed ALL day yesterday, only to emerge to eat some toast and pasta. Otherwise, I laid curled up in bed with my stomach rumbling so hard that my whole body shook.
It's Sunday morning and I still don't feel that great, but I think it's slowly subsiding. I guess I just happened to pick up one of those 24-48 hours bugs. YES! I've been wanting one since Christmas, so I'm glad Santa delivered. Even if it is a bit late.
So. I'm glad my drink wasn't spiked, no one died and I'm on the road to recovery. But whoa. Let's stick to fun weekends, not weekends spent in bed. No thanks.
Sorry for my extreme drunkenness. We left the casino about 15 minutes after you. Guy passed out in the car and when we dropped him off he jumped the fence into the wrong back yard only to meet a guy with a bat asking what he was doing. I had the worst migraine ever and slept 12 hours. Thanks for coming out, sorry you got sick.
Gainesville was almost as wild as the casino. After the game, a roar started on University Avenue and about 60,000 people flooded into the streets, up the greased light poles, and into every bar and restaurant on the avenue. It was huge with fireworks, sirens, music, and vast crowds dancing and shifting through the streets. Very neat relief over a great game.
Happy the cards got to you--only individual ones available. Hope you are feeling excellent now.
So sorry you got sick:( I really hope you are feeling better. I am glad the Aussies have enough sense to like the Gators. We started tailgating at Noon and the game started at 8. I never thought I'd ever say this about drinking, tailgating and football, but ugh. I was tired.
sounds like you're having a great time! and yayy gators! that WAS a great game. Happy new year, sweets!
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