Monday was Australia Day. Woo. Go Monday. I didn't do anything for the holiday except hang out and be a loser. It was my day off and I didn't feel like doing much.
Around 1pm, while I was talking to my roommate on the phone, I got a call from the restaurant where I work, Barzura.
Turns out they were short staffed and needed one more person to come in that night. Who said yes? Me. Why? Because I was going to get paid DOUBLE time and a HALF. So, let's see here. If you carry the 0 followed by the 2...that's $37.50/hour. I worked 5 hours. And I still got tips on top of that.
I'm the man.
Second thing's second. The reason I was talking to my roommate on the phone was because she was at work. And I was scheduling our Friday. We're going surfing, baby. I found a place that charges $35 for an hour and half of surfing. SWEEET. It's all ladies too so we can all be fools together. Very exciting. Also, we'll be going to a beach we haven't been to yet -- Cronulla. It better not suck.
Third thing's third. Being in the jolly good mood I've been in lately, I decided to send my friends, D&K, a few gifts. She had found me a Christmas gift awhile back and hadn't sent it, so we happened to send our gifts at the same time.
Here's the kicker.
We sent the same damn thing from the same damn store. WHAT?! I sent D a shirt with a Leopluradon on it and she sent me a shirt with Unicorns on it. They're both about this awful skit on the internet called, Charlie the Unicorn. It's really terrible, but so terrible it's hilarious and happened to be an ongoing joke for the past year, if not more.
Notice in this picture four things:

Fourth thing's fourth. To make up for the lack of sizes in the Charlie the Unicorn shirt, I found a shirt D would love...I hope. So, I went to the Post Office today to send the gifts I got for D&K as well as for 2 boys I used to date. What can I say, I saw something and thought about them.
All I have to say is, D&K's gifts have to do with this and this. I cannot reveal anything else.
Fifth thing's fifth. As I was leaving the Post Office, a girl stopped me on the street. She asked if I knew of any buses that go to Bondi Junction (a few beaches up from Coogee). Of course I knew, so I told her the best way to get to the bus stop, which buses to take and she'd be on her way. She thanked me and complimented me on the fact that I knew more about Australia than she did and I'm not even from here. She was a true Australian. How awesome is that. I TOLD AN AUSSIE GIRL WHERE TO GO IN OZ! Ha! I feel like...the man. Again.
Sixth thing's sixth. I received an email from the WWOOF Host on Kangaroo Island. That's a no-go. Apparently everyone and their mom wants to stay there. So I'm still looking for new hosts on the same island. If I can't find anything, I might just stay in Adelaide for a night or two and ship myself off to Perth.
Seventh thing's seventh. Les called me. Who's that? He's my friend Kelli's friend's cousin who's from Jax and is traveling OZ, just like me. We've been playing phone tag for the past, oh, 2 months and he finally called me when I was available. We didn't chat for long, but we talked about meeting up in about a month. He sounds like he's having an awesome time. And whoa. It was nice to talk to an American. That's sad, but we just understood each other in some unspoken way. Does that make sense? Didn't think so.
Speaking of Americans. Usually when Americans come into Barzura, I ask them where they're from and they're typically friendly, but not overly open. Today, I definitely had Americans in my section and they were DICKS. I just shook my head and told myself it's people like them that make America look bad. Thanks guys. 'Preciate it.
Eighth thing's eighth. I really didn't miss out on Christmas this year. Why? Cuz Santa's with me everyday. That's right, my belly has officially become the size of Santa Claus'. Not cuz I'm pregnant or have an unidentified tumor located on my pancreas, but because I'm eating. And eating. And eating. And...exercise? What's that again? Exactly. 'Nuff said.
Ninth thing's ninth. In final news, I have OFFICIALLY booked my flight to Melbourne. Leaving February 13th at 1pm. It was a grand total of $92. I think I can deal with that. I is excited -- I hear the place is AMAZING. I'll be flying Jetstar, an Australian airline and staying in a place called the Greenhouse Hostel. They have a ton of activities there. I would elect for the YHA, but this place is recommended by IEP (the program I'm used to get my butt over here).
Okie Dokie. That's my ramblings for this evening. Working tomorrow at 6:45am -- wooo! *slams head against desk*
YAY Charlie shirt! THAT'S SO AWESOME i'm in the blog and so's the shirt I sent and YAY we are ATSSSF forever! Dude you look so hawt in that shirt and you don't even know it! :):P:)
oh and PS YAY TO LES! so glad ya'll got in touch with each other!
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