Tuesday I worked 12pm-9pm and I was the one worried about being up late. I even told myself to go to bed early (since I've had this slight cold since Sunday). That wasn't the greatest idea since, whoops, I was late to work by 15 minutes this morning. Uh oh. I thought I was going to get chewed a new one, but alas, no one noticed. It was slightly eerie. Everyone just went about their business and said, "Good morning Maria." No. That's not a typo. Everyone STILL calls me Maria even after a month of being there. It's actually become a joke. If you're not calling me Maria, you're calling me Marie or Murah or Marvin or whatever you want. No one calls me Mariah and when they do. I get excited. A little glimmer of hope pops up inside me and I said, YES! FINALLY! All to have it crushed within a few minutes. It's sad, really. Apparently, Mariah (that's Ma-Rye-Ah), is too unusual to grasp. God. I'd hate to see someone with the name Shithead (that's Sha-Theed) or Lakrisha to come over here. Something would go terribly wrong.
Anyway. Got off work around 4pm today, went to the store and bought me some Vitamin C and Zinc and now I'm ready to get better.
My friend Murray, remember him? Well he came out to Coogee tonight so we could hang out again. He's really quite a nice guy, a little awkward (hence the title), but nice overall. Very gentlemanly as well. His Momma taught him right.
Sidenote: I took this pic for my Mom.
Back to the story. We went to an Italian restaurant up the road called La Spiaggia.
Anyway. Murray had a beer
We had okay conversation, nothing out of the norm. I told him he was too shy and needed to tell me some stories. So, he told me a few stories that were a lot like mine. Meaningless with no point. Was a bit...refreshing, actually.
We were going to go chug a couple of Guinness but my mind got the better of me and told me to go to bed. Since he was driving back to Brooklyn (pretty far), we decided to sober up on the beach. It was gorgeous. Just the waves crashing in front of us. The atmosphere of all the romantic couples. It was exactly what I wanted. But. We still acted like friends and nothing more. I'm not complaining, I'd be okay with either. We're still too new to each other to be anything other than just friends. However.
I was joking around with him because he was wearing black socks with his pure white outfit. I called him Billy Jean (since he's obsessed with Michael Jackson, remember?) Then for short, I decided to call him BJ. And since he's a DJ, he's now known as DJ BJ. Hence, again, the title.
I walked him back to his car and we said our goodbyes. I don't know if it was the beer talking or the....whatever....but he kind of broke into a sweat and asked me, "so...what are we?" I was taken aback, not sure what his intentions were, but I told him, very sweetly I might add, that I like him and would like to continue hanging out, but I ain't going to be calling him my b/f anytime soon. KThxBye.
What is up with these guys that "fall in love with me" and I just can't bring myself to do the same?! Am I just that judgemental? Or is it because I know I'll be moving on in a month? Or is it because I've been so broken in the past I can't bring myself to like someone as much as they like me?!
Anyway. Awkwardness ensued and that was that. Off he drove away probably as confused as I was.
So. What's one word to sum up my night? Lemme spell it out for you.
And....Scene. Where I'll be going next? Nobody knows.
Although, I do know I have plans with Ronnie, Kristi and her brother to watch the Gators play (at Noon on Friday, Australian time). I. Is. So. Happy. GO FREAKIN' GATORS!
But for now, off to bed I go. Have to be at work ON TIME tomorrow. Another 6:45am day. UGH.
1 comment:
It just feels unnecessary since eating is really just an excuse for a social event. IMO. Thanks. - DUDE I. TOTALLY. AGREE. and. scene.
GO GATORS!! We're leaving today for Miami WOOHOO.
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