Monday, January 12, 2009

Stupid Boy.

Or otherwise known as Deck. Emphasis on the 'E'.

Remember my post -- waaaaaaaaaay back when? The one where I worked at some festival or something and almost died? Right. Glad we're on the same page.

Well. There was a brief paragraph (Number 13) about a boy -- emphasis on the BOY -- that I met and said I was 'hot' blah blah blah wanted to visit me in Coogee blah blah blah. Well. He's been calling NON-STOP. Non-stop, people. And, frighteningly, this wasn't in a creepy, omg-he's-going-to-kill-me kind of way (Ah-hem. Refer to Edward).

No sir. This one had me. Hook line and sinker.

Until tonight.

Well, a few nights ago he kinda, sorta, slightly, just a tad admitted he was living with his now-ex-girlfriend. I'd say strike one, but I think this guy was slowly adding up the strikes, which I have already lost count.

Then today, after a break of hearing from him (I wasn't worried/upset, in fact I had been ignoring him), I get a couple random phone calls. Oh yes, people.

Insert dramatic music here

And of course, no voicemail.

Eh. Whatevs. Think nothing of it as I don't answer random phone numbers as it is. If ya want to talk to me, leave a message or text me. KThxBye. Easy enough.

Then. Mr. "I'm-too-cool-to-be-honest" calls me up about an hour after the last random call. We do the whole 'let's have small talk' bit then he gives me the "I need to talk to you for a minute."

Insert sorrowful music here

"Okay look. I have a girlfriend. I'm sorry. I wasn't honest with you before, but we just broke up because she found out I was ringing you."

"Oh. I figured. And was that the random number that was calling me?"

"Oh. She's called? You're not going to say anything incriminating are you?"

"I'm too old to do this, so good luck to you with your girlfriend."

"So, you'll help me out and tell her nothing's going on?"

"You don't get to tell me what to do, I'll do what I want. Good luck!" Deck.

And with that. I hung up. He even had the audacity to ask if he could still ring me. Ha! Stupid Boy. Next time, please just text message break up -- it'll be easier on your ego, lil' man.

I'm giving up on the Aussie boys. They're too aggressive and dumb to get past this steel tramp. BAM!

In other news, I'm still slightly sick. I dunno what got me, but it's not my friend and I don't like it. Hmm...maybe it was the Kangaroooooooo???? (At this point, I'm blaming everything -- work, my bed, the sky, know, the usu).


Anonymous said...

ha the labels on that post! What a loser! It's sad when good looks are wasted!

Okay listen you have to add me on facebook. There's a site my sister says we have to watch. It's about a tv show called true bloood. It's supposedly what twilight should have been. Add Minelle Leitao on facebook so I can send you the site.

kaymasen said...

OMG what a DB! Apparently boys are boys whether their in Oz or in the US. Can you talk to my gf and lie for me? Can I still ring you? WTF? WTF??!!

You're a beautiful, glistening steel trap, btw.
