After my walk through the cemetary...nice...I met up with my new pal, Andy. You may remember him from such films as:
"Andy does Dallas",
"Lord of the Kilts"
And if none of those are memorable enough, you must remember, "The Andy Truman Show"
Anyway. We met up in Central and had a lovely day of doing Plan B. What was Plan B, you ask, well -- we still don't know.
I met Andy back at the IEP Christmas Party a few nights ago. We talked about going out, and being the gentlelady that I am, I told him to surprise me. The poor guy had been in Sydney for 3 days and I expected him to know everything to do?! Yes. That's right.
Andy had planned an awesome day in the heart of Sydney and, of course, the plans failed miserably. Not because of poor preparation, because of rain. Yes. We all know and love the rain we've been having off and on lately. It makes no sense. Weather, stick to the plan and get on with it, seriously.
So. After stopping at Woolworth's, the local grocery store here (which I will not mention why that was the first stop, however it involved money and charities...for a specific unnamed reason), we decided to go to the IMAX theatre -- the BIGGEST in the world. IN. THE. WORLD. We bought our tickets for the 4pm showing of, "Fly me to the Moon -- 3-D" Oh yeah. 3-D. Whoo!
Since we had about an hour to kill, we found a lovely place that had happy hour from 3-6pm. People here in Australia are weird and I guess the typical 5-7 just doesn't work for them. $5 pizzas anyone? 1/2 price drinks? Yes, please.
The movie was cute. It was about flies (yes, like the household fly) who snuck onto the space shuttle and were the first flies to visit the moon. Oh! And the movie kept saying how awesome America is. Hahaha, no lie. Here's a line, "After all, those flies are American flies."
After that, Andy had a Plan C. Or maybe it was originally part of Plan A. No one can be sure. But, boy, did he deliver. Where'd we go?
The Moonlight Cinemas.
Guess what's playing January 30th?

And btw. Merry Christmas Everyone. I'm really trying not to think about it. It hurts me to be away from my family. Love you all -- especially those who actually keep up with this. Did I just hear an echo? Hello? Helllllooo??? Anyone???
That's what I thought.
Hey Mariah! You sure are having lots of fun in Sydney! Really...the largest IMAX is in Oz? Who knew? 3-6 happy hour sure is early. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hey, we get to celebrate New Year's before our families do...
however it involved money and charities...for a specific unnamed reason), HUH? what? i wanna know!
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