Good News. I've had TWO amazing nights. The first started on Thursday -- as I quickly wrote in my last post.
You're probably wondering why, aren't you? Who said I would tell?
Oh right. This is a blog.
Okay. Here we go.
The other day, while at work, I met a guy. Not like that -- he was just a guy, hanging out alone in my restaurant. Welllll....we got to talkin, found out he was from England and hadn't been in Sydney long, was just the typical backpacker doing the typical backpacker journey. We chatted for a few and BAM. I offered my number and told him to call me anytime he wanted to explore the city.
He left. I didn't think anything of it, but of course the girls I was working with were like "OOOO!! What was that about??!" I brushed it off and just said it was nothing, just another friend to be had.
The following day, while I'm at work, I get a lovely text message from this guy. Saying he'd like to meet up for a drink in Coogee. Of course, I was kind of surprised to hear from the guy and the same girls were like "IT'S TOTALLY A DATE!" Haha. I laughed that one off. Boys don't usually ask me out on dates...and I sure wasn't going to expect this to be a date. Just two backpackers meeting up and exchanging stories about our travels (um, his more than mine since he's been here for 6 months).
We meet up at the CBH (Coogee Bay Hotel) and have a drink in the Beer Garden. We had some DAMN good conversation. Turns out he's in Marketing, just got done with a Strategic Marketing contract in Perth and travelled to Sydney to do another contract job here. I asked if he wanted to have another drink, but he suggested we'd go to dinner. So we walked up Coogee Bay Rd and went to a place called Tapas Rocs. It's this really quaint restaurant that serves...Tapas. The atmosphere there is spectacular, great date ambiance. My roommate and I went up there the other night and ended up just having dessert. We both said we thought it'd be a great place to go on a date...and now that this guy had suggested dinner...I started to think....
Eh. Whatever. I was just enjoying the company and really not making much of it. We finished up there and walked over to the Beach Palace Hotel to have a "nightcap" -- well they closed a little too early for us, so we walked down to the beach and just took in the beauty of the night. The ocean waves crashing in front of us, the sand gripping beneath our hands, the stars sparkling above.
You guys, I've never seen the stars like this. I could see thousands of them. Usually you can just see the brightest of the bright, but I could see them all. It was spectacular.
After loooooong, titillating conversation, we called it a night. Eager, from both parties, to see each other again. This was one of the first guys I think I've ever met that really challenged my thought process and made me feel comfortable in my own skin. Whoa.
So. That was the most amazing night ever -- part 1.
Then, fours hours later, I was up and ready to go to my Surf lesson. There will be another post about that -- this isn't the post for surf talk.
While in Cronulla, I received a text from the guy. Who, btw, is named Ross Young. He suggested we'd go see a movie at the Open Air Cinema. Funny thing is...I had already planned to do that with Melanie, Minelle and possibly Tracy. Of course, I said yes, but he told me the one at Centennial Park, the one playing Twilight, was sold out.
He said he wasn't interested in it anyway, although my heart broke a little bit when he told me that. It's okay though, because the Open Air Cinema in Bondi was playing the ever classic....
How could I NOT go see that?!
He came and picked me up around 6:30 and then we went and got a few things for our picnic dinner at the movies. It was beautiful out, perfect temperature, great atmosphere and, most importantly, an awesome feel-good movie.
Right before the movie began, they had a drawing for someone to win a Hot Air Balloon ride. Apparently (I don't remember this, but Ross does), right before the girl drew the person's name, I said, "How awesome would that be..."
"And the Hot Air Balloon ride goes to........Ross Young!"
My heart stopped. I couldn't breathe.
He just got himself a trip on a freakin' Hot Air Balloon ride over Sydney.
I don't know about you guys, but I would've fainted and died right there if they called my name. He's one lucky guy. I don't know who he'll pick to go with him (me! please pick me!), but wowzers.
After the movie, we decided to go up to the Beach Road Hotel (notice how all the bars are in hotels...) and have a drink. We never run out of conversation. There's always something to be said between us and I just can't get over how intelligent and how in tune to his spiritual being he is. It's really quite fascinating.
Anyway, we ended up enjoying the rest of our night just talking and experiencing each other's stories. It was great.
So. That's part 2 of my most amazing night ever.
Tonight will not be the continuation I would hope for, since I have to work at 6, but I'm just happy to have met someone like Ross.
And if someone paid him to come into my life, I'll double it. The timing was perfect and I haven't given up on men at all. There was a time where that was a possibility....
And if you're wondering why there are no pictures....
Okay. Don't tell my mom this, but, I kind of lost my new camera. Yeah. I'm not doing so hot with the camera action. This time I left it on the train on my way to my surf lesson. Whoops. Hey. I called the station, but I'm going to guarantee it's not going to be turned it. So. Anyone have any suggestions on a CHEAP camera to buy? Perhaps something I wouldn't terribly upset with if:
a. I lose it
b. it doesn't take sh!t pictures?
Suggestions are welcomed!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Amazing Night Times Two.
coogee bay hotel,
palace hotel,
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Most. Amazing. Night. Ever.
Details to come, seriously. But whoa. Incredible.
Surf Camp is in 4 hours. Whoops ;-)
Surf Camp is in 4 hours. Whoops ;-)
I know I've been talking a lot about the view from my restaurant. I just had to be a nerd and take some pictures the other day. We were so slow (dead, if you will) so I figured this was the perfect time to do it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
American Snob
I'm an American Snob. Why? Do I really have to answer?
No. It's obvious. I'm a girl. I'm an American. I like to be treated like a queen -- everyone knows that. And, personally, I think I should be treated like that. No questions. Is that asking too much?
Okay. Maybe it is. I guess in a former life, I was a Queen. Because, ah-hem, I still freakin expect it.
I went out to dinner last night. It was fan-tab-u-lous. And yes, I even said that to the waitress. Ambiance was amazing -- in Woolloomooloo.
It was right on the water on the other side of the Royal Botanical Gardens. And it was amazing.
Called Kingsleys.
It was a seafood steakhouse and that's exactly what I had. The Surf and Turf. AMAZING.
However. When the bill came -- questions. Tons of questions. I did my typical American response, "How much do I owe towards the bill?" This is where boys should say, "oh no -- I got this." No worries. Except I was responded with...the exactly amount I owed. WHOA.
American Snob, I shall be. But when a date's a date...I expect to be "taken care of" just the way I'll take care of you. 'Nuff said.
I've met a few boys here that actually agree with that and would get a welcoming response. But in this case, I wasn't greeted with the response I wanted and therefore. Date ended. The date was no longer considered a date.
I honestly didn't consider it a date to begin with, but toward the end of the night as the wine was a-flowin', I figured.......
Guess not.
The End.
American Snob? Or Queen?
Ah. I agree. Both.
I'm an American Snob. Why? Do I really have to answer?
No. It's obvious. I'm a girl. I'm an American. I like to be treated like a queen -- everyone knows that. And, personally, I think I should be treated like that. No questions. Is that asking too much?
Okay. Maybe it is. I guess in a former life, I was a Queen. Because, ah-hem, I still freakin expect it.
I went out to dinner last night. It was fan-tab-u-lous. And yes, I even said that to the waitress. Ambiance was amazing -- in Woolloomooloo.
It was right on the water on the other side of the Royal Botanical Gardens. And it was amazing.
Called Kingsleys.
However. When the bill came -- questions. Tons of questions. I did my typical American response, "How much do I owe towards the bill?" This is where boys should say, "oh no -- I got this." No worries. Except I was responded with...the exactly amount I owed. WHOA.
American Snob, I shall be. But when a date's a date...I expect to be "taken care of" just the way I'll take care of you. 'Nuff said.
I've met a few boys here that actually agree with that and would get a welcoming response. But in this case, I wasn't greeted with the response I wanted and therefore. Date ended. The date was no longer considered a date.
I honestly didn't consider it a date to begin with, but toward the end of the night as the wine was a-flowin', I figured.......
Guess not.
The End.
American Snob? Or Queen?
Ah. I agree. Both.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Random Ramblings
First thing's first. I got paid. I got mother-effin' paid, Ladies and Gents.
Monday was Australia Day. Woo. Go Monday. I didn't do anything for the holiday except hang out and be a loser. It was my day off and I didn't feel like doing much.
Around 1pm, while I was talking to my roommate on the phone, I got a call from the restaurant where I work, Barzura.
Turns out they were short staffed and needed one more person to come in that night. Who said yes? Me. Why? Because I was going to get paid DOUBLE time and a HALF. So, let's see here. If you carry the 0 followed by the 2...that's $37.50/hour. I worked 5 hours. And I still got tips on top of that.
I'm the man.
Second thing's second. The reason I was talking to my roommate on the phone was because she was at work. And I was scheduling our Friday. We're going surfing, baby. I found a place that charges $35 for an hour and half of surfing. SWEEET. It's all ladies too so we can all be fools together. Very exciting. Also, we'll be going to a beach we haven't been to yet -- Cronulla. It better not suck.
Third thing's third. Being in the jolly good mood I've been in lately, I decided to send my friends, D&K, a few gifts. She had found me a Christmas gift awhile back and hadn't sent it, so we happened to send our gifts at the same time.
Here's the kicker.
We sent the same damn thing from the same damn store. WHAT?! I sent D a shirt with a Leopluradon on it and she sent me a shirt with Unicorns on it. They're both about this awful skit on the internet called, Charlie the Unicorn. It's really terrible, but so terrible it's hilarious and happened to be an ongoing joke for the past year, if not more.
Notice in this picture four things:
My hair is straight. Something I felt like doing on Saturday. Why not? I wore it to work on Sunday and everyone FREAKED. They were all shocked my hair was straight and they called me an American barbie. Weird. I started to wear it curly again and they all want my hair back straight. That's different.
Fourth thing's fourth. To make up for the lack of sizes in the Charlie the Unicorn shirt, I found a shirt D would love...I hope. So, I went to the Post Office today to send the gifts I got for D&K as well as for 2 boys I used to date. What can I say, I saw something and thought about them.
All I have to say is, D&K's gifts have to do with this and this. I cannot reveal anything else.
Fifth thing's fifth. As I was leaving the Post Office, a girl stopped me on the street. She asked if I knew of any buses that go to Bondi Junction (a few beaches up from Coogee). Of course I knew, so I told her the best way to get to the bus stop, which buses to take and she'd be on her way. She thanked me and complimented me on the fact that I knew more about Australia than she did and I'm not even from here. She was a true Australian. How awesome is that. I TOLD AN AUSSIE GIRL WHERE TO GO IN OZ! Ha! I feel like...the man. Again.
Sixth thing's sixth. I received an email from the WWOOF Host on Kangaroo Island. That's a no-go. Apparently everyone and their mom wants to stay there. So I'm still looking for new hosts on the same island. If I can't find anything, I might just stay in Adelaide for a night or two and ship myself off to Perth.
Seventh thing's seventh. Les called me. Who's that? He's my friend Kelli's friend's cousin who's from Jax and is traveling OZ, just like me. We've been playing phone tag for the past, oh, 2 months and he finally called me when I was available. We didn't chat for long, but we talked about meeting up in about a month. He sounds like he's having an awesome time. And whoa. It was nice to talk to an American. That's sad, but we just understood each other in some unspoken way. Does that make sense? Didn't think so.
Speaking of Americans. Usually when Americans come into Barzura, I ask them where they're from and they're typically friendly, but not overly open. Today, I definitely had Americans in my section and they were DICKS. I just shook my head and told myself it's people like them that make America look bad. Thanks guys. 'Preciate it.
Eighth thing's eighth. I really didn't miss out on Christmas this year. Why? Cuz Santa's with me everyday. That's right, my belly has officially become the size of Santa Claus'. Not cuz I'm pregnant or have an unidentified tumor located on my pancreas, but because I'm eating. And eating. And eating. And...exercise? What's that again? Exactly. 'Nuff said.
Ninth thing's ninth. In final news, I have OFFICIALLY booked my flight to Melbourne. Leaving February 13th at 1pm. It was a grand total of $92. I think I can deal with that. I is excited -- I hear the place is AMAZING. I'll be flying Jetstar, an Australian airline and staying in a place called the Greenhouse Hostel. They have a ton of activities there. I would elect for the YHA, but this place is recommended by IEP (the program I'm used to get my butt over here).
Okie Dokie. That's my ramblings for this evening. Working tomorrow at 6:45am -- wooo! *slams head against desk*
Monday was Australia Day. Woo. Go Monday. I didn't do anything for the holiday except hang out and be a loser. It was my day off and I didn't feel like doing much.
Around 1pm, while I was talking to my roommate on the phone, I got a call from the restaurant where I work, Barzura.
Turns out they were short staffed and needed one more person to come in that night. Who said yes? Me. Why? Because I was going to get paid DOUBLE time and a HALF. So, let's see here. If you carry the 0 followed by the 2...that's $37.50/hour. I worked 5 hours. And I still got tips on top of that.
I'm the man.
Second thing's second. The reason I was talking to my roommate on the phone was because she was at work. And I was scheduling our Friday. We're going surfing, baby. I found a place that charges $35 for an hour and half of surfing. SWEEET. It's all ladies too so we can all be fools together. Very exciting. Also, we'll be going to a beach we haven't been to yet -- Cronulla. It better not suck.
Third thing's third. Being in the jolly good mood I've been in lately, I decided to send my friends, D&K, a few gifts. She had found me a Christmas gift awhile back and hadn't sent it, so we happened to send our gifts at the same time.
Here's the kicker.
We sent the same damn thing from the same damn store. WHAT?! I sent D a shirt with a Leopluradon on it and she sent me a shirt with Unicorns on it. They're both about this awful skit on the internet called, Charlie the Unicorn. It's really terrible, but so terrible it's hilarious and happened to be an ongoing joke for the past year, if not more.
Notice in this picture four things:

Fourth thing's fourth. To make up for the lack of sizes in the Charlie the Unicorn shirt, I found a shirt D would love...I hope. So, I went to the Post Office today to send the gifts I got for D&K as well as for 2 boys I used to date. What can I say, I saw something and thought about them.
All I have to say is, D&K's gifts have to do with this and this. I cannot reveal anything else.
Fifth thing's fifth. As I was leaving the Post Office, a girl stopped me on the street. She asked if I knew of any buses that go to Bondi Junction (a few beaches up from Coogee). Of course I knew, so I told her the best way to get to the bus stop, which buses to take and she'd be on her way. She thanked me and complimented me on the fact that I knew more about Australia than she did and I'm not even from here. She was a true Australian. How awesome is that. I TOLD AN AUSSIE GIRL WHERE TO GO IN OZ! Ha! I feel like...the man. Again.
Sixth thing's sixth. I received an email from the WWOOF Host on Kangaroo Island. That's a no-go. Apparently everyone and their mom wants to stay there. So I'm still looking for new hosts on the same island. If I can't find anything, I might just stay in Adelaide for a night or two and ship myself off to Perth.
Seventh thing's seventh. Les called me. Who's that? He's my friend Kelli's friend's cousin who's from Jax and is traveling OZ, just like me. We've been playing phone tag for the past, oh, 2 months and he finally called me when I was available. We didn't chat for long, but we talked about meeting up in about a month. He sounds like he's having an awesome time. And whoa. It was nice to talk to an American. That's sad, but we just understood each other in some unspoken way. Does that make sense? Didn't think so.
Speaking of Americans. Usually when Americans come into Barzura, I ask them where they're from and they're typically friendly, but not overly open. Today, I definitely had Americans in my section and they were DICKS. I just shook my head and told myself it's people like them that make America look bad. Thanks guys. 'Preciate it.
Eighth thing's eighth. I really didn't miss out on Christmas this year. Why? Cuz Santa's with me everyday. That's right, my belly has officially become the size of Santa Claus'. Not cuz I'm pregnant or have an unidentified tumor located on my pancreas, but because I'm eating. And eating. And eating. And...exercise? What's that again? Exactly. 'Nuff said.
Ninth thing's ninth. In final news, I have OFFICIALLY booked my flight to Melbourne. Leaving February 13th at 1pm. It was a grand total of $92. I think I can deal with that. I is excited -- I hear the place is AMAZING. I'll be flying Jetstar, an Australian airline and staying in a place called the Greenhouse Hostel. They have a ton of activities there. I would elect for the YHA, but this place is recommended by IEP (the program I'm used to get my butt over here).
Okie Dokie. That's my ramblings for this evening. Working tomorrow at 6:45am -- wooo! *slams head against desk*
Poll Results Are In!
I asked. And you answered. Thanks for that.
Here's the poll!
Should I get rid of my freckles on my face?
Yes! If you feel self-concious about it, do what you can to make yourself happy!
6 (35%)
No! They're a part of you and make you who you are.
8 (47%)
I don't care either way, you're Ketchup no matter what! Do what you want!
2 (11%)
Who is this?
1 (5%)
Votes: 17
Not sure why I did a poll, but it felt necessary. I did two freckles last Wednesday. Sucks the majority said 'No.' But I had 17 votes. That means 16 people are reading this. Whoa. How cool.
What? Of course, I participated in the voting process. Duh.
Here's the poll!
Should I get rid of my freckles on my face?
Yes! If you feel self-concious about it, do what you can to make yourself happy!
6 (35%)
No! They're a part of you and make you who you are.
8 (47%)
I don't care either way, you're Ketchup no matter what! Do what you want!
2 (11%)
Who is this?
1 (5%)
Votes: 17
Not sure why I did a poll, but it felt necessary. I did two freckles last Wednesday. Sucks the majority said 'No.' But I had 17 votes. That means 16 people are reading this. Whoa. How cool.
What? Of course, I participated in the voting process. Duh.
Friday, January 23, 2009
My Date with Sydney
It's too hot to write everything I want to write. Just too effin' hot these past few days. I'm talking about to the point where you don't want to do anything but veg it's that hot. Your body sweats uncontrollably because it doesn't know what else to do. Who thought Summertime in Australia was a good idea? Srsly!
So. Here is a list of things that happened to me these past few days:
Topic One:
I worked a 11.75 hour day on Thursday. I went in at 6:45am, got off at 3pm, stayed til 4pm (we usually all stay and have lunch), went home, slept, went back to work at 6pm and got off at 9:30pm. All to do it over again at 9am the next day. Luckily, I got off at 1:30pm that afternoon. Sweet.
Topic Two:
I saw a Burlesque show. It was. Something. Else. I don't think it was quite the Burlesque show most people go to, but then again, I don't know what one really is. Honestly, I felt like I was a peeping-tom watching some girl dance around naked in her living room. I'm not going to say isn't wasn't an experience, because, damn, it was one hell of an experience.
Although, it was amazing in the right that it was at the Sydney Opera House. Very cool.

Topic Three:
I ate dinner with Minelle (who also went to the Burlesque show with me) at the Meat and Wine Co. It's known's meat. and wine. I know, shocking. Of course we ordered an entree (which means appetizer)

a main (which means entree)
Everything was phenomenal although we did order a cheeseburger for our main (hence the reason for no photo). Which was delicious, but nothing to write home about. Oh well. The wine was good. Haha. Had me some cheap Yellow Tail!
Although. We were sitting outside, downstairs and our view was literally feet. This woman didn't mind. Ew.
Topic Four:
After the show, I dragged Minelle to this party hosted by -- thought it'd be a great way to meet new people.
Before dinner and a show, Minelle and I met up at that famous Blackbird Cafe. They have a GREAT Happy Hour -- 1/2 price cocktails, wine, beer and $5 pizza. So. Being in Darling Harbour, that was a must do.

Topic Six:
I took a walk along the coast. It started to drizzle a bit, but I just had to capture the beauty of this walk. Amazing. I didn't go very far, just to Maroubra Beach and back. Maroubra is by far one of my favorite beaches. It's huge and has WAY less people.

Topic Seven:
One of the chef's, JR, you remember him, made me the most amazing meal ever yesterday. I didn't know what I wanted for lunch, just knew I wanted fish. Our FOD (Fish of the Day) was Mahi-Mahi, so why not. He cooked that up with me and put it all on top of pesto mashed potatoes, field mushrooms and asparagus.
Topic Eight:
I just sent my first WWOOF email to a host on Kangaroo Island. I really hope to hear back from them, preferably positive. This place is an amazing island. Expensive to get to, but com'on, look at those views.

All in all. Sydney didn't really deliver the date I was hoping for. But, you know, it was an experience and not an unpleasant one at that. What the hey -- Thanks for material for me to post on my blog, Sydney! 'Preciate it!
So. Here is a list of things that happened to me these past few days:
Topic One:
I worked a 11.75 hour day on Thursday. I went in at 6:45am, got off at 3pm, stayed til 4pm (we usually all stay and have lunch), went home, slept, went back to work at 6pm and got off at 9:30pm. All to do it over again at 9am the next day. Luckily, I got off at 1:30pm that afternoon. Sweet.
Topic Two:
I saw a Burlesque show. It was. Something. Else. I don't think it was quite the Burlesque show most people go to, but then again, I don't know what one really is. Honestly, I felt like I was a peeping-tom watching some girl dance around naked in her living room. I'm not going to say isn't wasn't an experience, because, damn, it was one hell of an experience.
I ate dinner with Minelle (who also went to the Burlesque show with me) at the Meat and Wine Co. It's known's meat. and wine. I know, shocking. Of course we ordered an entree (which means appetizer)
*No Photo Taken*
and dessert...which means...well, dessert.Although. We were sitting outside, downstairs and our view was literally feet. This woman didn't mind. Ew.
After the show, I dragged Minelle to this party hosted by -- thought it'd be a great way to meet new people.
Before dinner and a show, Minelle and I met up at that famous Blackbird Cafe. They have a GREAT Happy Hour -- 1/2 price cocktails, wine, beer and $5 pizza. So. Being in Darling Harbour, that was a must do.
Topic Six:
I took a walk along the coast. It started to drizzle a bit, but I just had to capture the beauty of this walk. Amazing. I didn't go very far, just to Maroubra Beach and back. Maroubra is by far one of my favorite beaches. It's huge and has WAY less people.
One of the chef's, JR, you remember him, made me the most amazing meal ever yesterday. I didn't know what I wanted for lunch, just knew I wanted fish. Our FOD (Fish of the Day) was Mahi-Mahi, so why not. He cooked that up with me and put it all on top of pesto mashed potatoes, field mushrooms and asparagus.
Topic Eight:
I just sent my first WWOOF email to a host on Kangaroo Island. I really hope to hear back from them, preferably positive. This place is an amazing island. Expensive to get to, but com'on, look at those views.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obsessive among other things.
K. You guys all know about my loser-ish ways. Here's one of them:

That's Charcoal for those of you who don't know. She's my kitty that I had to leave with my mom in America.
I miss her.
*Le Sigh*
Anyway. Been working all week. Today blows cuz I went in at 6:45am, got home at 4pm, then I'm working again from 6pm til 9pm. I said I would because two people called in sick. Losers.
I went out last night to a bar on Oxford Street. It was actually really awesome and I had me some amazing Pinot Noir. Met a guy named Ben from the UK -- London actually. He was very nice and I'm hoping we can hang out again. He's been in OZ since November and doesn't plan to leave for another 2 years, at least. He was sick of London, but loves the city and plans to go back eventually.
In other news, I met a guy from the US who comes into Barzura. All. The. Time. Especially with his bitchy girlfriend. We started chatting, he's from NY, but has a house in FL (ah-hem, LOADED), blah blah blah. The best part? He says,
"You know, Australians call Florida the poor man's Australia."
Then his bitchy girlfriend hits him and says,
"Although, we don't say that openly, Anthony."
So. All you Floridians. Wanna get together and kick Australia's ass?! I mean, hey, it's gorgeous here, but there ain't nothing poor about Florida. Well, except for 103rd St and the North Side. BUT, regardless, let's stand up for our State and tell OZ -- "F.U. SIR."
BTW, Australians hate to be called 'Sir'. It's a habit and I'll never break it. Ok? Back off.
I cancelled my kayaking tour. Well, it was cancelled on me but I was told I could reschedule at a later date. I decided to just cancel it all together. I don't feel like getting up at 6am when I don't have to. Instead, I booked a free personal training session. Haha. I'm a mess.
I'm seeing a Burlesque show tomorrow night at the Sydney Opera House -- thanks to my old boss, Kelly Evans. I'm REALLY excited about it. Plus I met a girl that's equally excited, Minelle, so I've decided to take her. We're going to dinner before hand then the show. I'll let you know how it all turns out :-)
You guys. I've been in Australia for a month and a half. In three weeks time, I'm out of Coogee and off to another city. Whoa. Where has the time gone?!? And where is it going?!

She's a hot, sexy bitch, isn't she?
(No, really, she is a bitch).
(No, really, she is a bitch).
That's Charcoal for those of you who don't know. She's my kitty that I had to leave with my mom in America.
I miss her.
*Le Sigh*
Anyway. Been working all week. Today blows cuz I went in at 6:45am, got home at 4pm, then I'm working again from 6pm til 9pm. I said I would because two people called in sick. Losers.
I went out last night to a bar on Oxford Street. It was actually really awesome and I had me some amazing Pinot Noir. Met a guy named Ben from the UK -- London actually. He was very nice and I'm hoping we can hang out again. He's been in OZ since November and doesn't plan to leave for another 2 years, at least. He was sick of London, but loves the city and plans to go back eventually.
In other news, I met a guy from the US who comes into Barzura. All. The. Time. Especially with his bitchy girlfriend. We started chatting, he's from NY, but has a house in FL (ah-hem, LOADED), blah blah blah. The best part? He says,
"You know, Australians call Florida the poor man's Australia."
Then his bitchy girlfriend hits him and says,
"Although, we don't say that openly, Anthony."
So. All you Floridians. Wanna get together and kick Australia's ass?! I mean, hey, it's gorgeous here, but there ain't nothing poor about Florida. Well, except for 103rd St and the North Side. BUT, regardless, let's stand up for our State and tell OZ -- "F.U. SIR."
BTW, Australians hate to be called 'Sir'. It's a habit and I'll never break it. Ok? Back off.
I cancelled my kayaking tour. Well, it was cancelled on me but I was told I could reschedule at a later date. I decided to just cancel it all together. I don't feel like getting up at 6am when I don't have to. Instead, I booked a free personal training session. Haha. I'm a mess.
I'm seeing a Burlesque show tomorrow night at the Sydney Opera House -- thanks to my old boss, Kelly Evans. I'm REALLY excited about it. Plus I met a girl that's equally excited, Minelle, so I've decided to take her. We're going to dinner before hand then the show. I'll let you know how it all turns out :-)
You guys. I've been in Australia for a month and a half. In three weeks time, I'm out of Coogee and off to another city. Whoa. Where has the time gone?!? And where is it going?!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
WWOOF Post Number One
I've been doing research on where I'd like to have my first WWOOFing experience. Yes. I may have a couple, if not several, or I might just have one. I don't know yet. Exciting stuff here, people.
ANYWAY. Came across the post below. I almost fell over and died. And I think you will too.
MaMa's NurFarms, Maryborough. 300 km. north of Brisbane or 4-6 hrs train or bus to city's Lennox Street bus/train depot where WWOOFers are normally collected. Telephone or e-mail to confirm space 3-14 days before expected arrival. Arrive before 1500 Mon-Sat. because we take you food shopping immediately. We provide $A60.00 for food which you select per week upon arrival and shop only weekly thereafter. We grow essential oil crops, bamboo & mixed fruit & vegies. WWOOFers normally work M-Fr 0800-1200 or 4-hour days for 20 hours a week. Normally Sat. and Sun. are free days. Plan to stay at minimum of 5 days or for full 20 hours of work. Normally you weed or do some very simple tasks. WWOOFers stay by themselves in a flat. You cook your own food (good for vegans & vegies) and keep the flat clean. There is a swimming pool.
Here's the kicker:
The owner is a Gay male nudist but there is mixed bag of residents and workers (2-5). We prefer nudists and have clothing-optional safe areas. If you are not comfortable around naked people - stay away. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, free thinkers, artists, musicians, students, earth mother, assorted OM chanters, seekers, Mensa members, esotericists, Greenpeace members, horticulturists, nursery people, computer types and extra trannie-terrestrials and assorted Wiccans are on the VIP list.
Should I do it? No poll for this one...I'll let you make your own decision. :-)
ANYWAY. Came across the post below. I almost fell over and died. And I think you will too.
MaMa's NurFarms, Maryborough. 300 km. north of Brisbane or 4-6 hrs train or bus to city's Lennox Street bus/train depot where WWOOFers are normally collected. Telephone or e-mail to confirm space 3-14 days before expected arrival. Arrive before 1500 Mon-Sat. because we take you food shopping immediately. We provide $A60.00 for food which you select per week upon arrival and shop only weekly thereafter. We grow essential oil crops, bamboo & mixed fruit & vegies. WWOOFers normally work M-Fr 0800-1200 or 4-hour days for 20 hours a week. Normally Sat. and Sun. are free days. Plan to stay at minimum of 5 days or for full 20 hours of work. Normally you weed or do some very simple tasks. WWOOFers stay by themselves in a flat. You cook your own food (good for vegans & vegies) and keep the flat clean. There is a swimming pool.
Here's the kicker:
The owner is a Gay male nudist but there is mixed bag of residents and workers (2-5). We prefer nudists and have clothing-optional safe areas. If you are not comfortable around naked people - stay away. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, free thinkers, artists, musicians, students, earth mother, assorted OM chanters, seekers, Mensa members, esotericists, Greenpeace members, horticulturists, nursery people, computer types and extra trannie-terrestrials and assorted Wiccans are on the VIP list.
Should I do it? No poll for this one...I'll let you make your own decision. :-)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
See the poll on the right?
Would LOVE for you guys to complete my poll!
All of you who know me, know I have freckles, dark freckles, on my face. I've always been super self-conscious of them and have always contemplated getting rid of them. I even had an appointment to take them off back in July. But, after talking with a few people, I decided against it and was going to keep them.
Now. I'm back in this boat again, wishing I had done it when I had the chance. Even thought about calling the Plastic Surgery place in Jax and making an appointment for right when I get back. However, I found a place here in Coogee that'll do it. And it's no
t expensive in the grand scheme of things.
So. Please complete the poll to your right and let me know your thoughts! Feel free to be open and honest -- it's completely anonymous. So, if you just happened to come across this post -- and you don't even know me, go ahead and vote!
All of you who know me, know I have freckles, dark freckles, on my face. I've always been super self-conscious of them and have always contemplated getting rid of them. I even had an appointment to take them off back in July. But, after talking with a few people, I decided against it and was going to keep them.
Now. I'm back in this boat again, wishing I had done it when I had the chance. Even thought about calling the Plastic Surgery place in Jax and making an appointment for right when I get back. However, I found a place here in Coogee that'll do it. And it's no

So. Please complete the poll to your right and let me know your thoughts! Feel free to be open and honest -- it's completely anonymous. So, if you just happened to come across this post -- and you don't even know me, go ahead and vote!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Update Fundate - Part 3
Saturday. January 18, 2009.
Oh. What a rough morning this was for me.
Happened to wake up with the sun. 6am style. And thank goodness for that. Why?
I had plans to go Kayaking at 8:30am. Who thought that was a good idea? Apparently. Me. Go ahead, slap me around a few times. I know, I know. But, hey, so what!? I need to get my ass out of bed anyway, which has proven to be difficult when you aren't obligated to be anywhere.
So. Let me tell you a little bit about this journey. I had to take two buses, no big deal, right? I hopped on one to the City. Walked my happy butt over to Wynyard Station -- close to Town Hall, sort of. And then take the 175 bus to the Spit Bridge. Done and done.
Nope. Hardly from the truth. Welllllll, you could say I was...running just a little late. Just a tad. Turns out the 175 only comes at one time on Saturday and I missed it. And guess who forgot her phone at home? Yup. Me. *facepalm*
I go inside asking where's the nearest payphone, of course the guy behind the counter doesn't speak English so I say to myself...Self, you are at a train station, see if there's a train to Spit Bridge! Sometimes, I amaze myself.
So I walk down into the train station and go to a woman behind the ticket counter. I say, "Hi! I need to go to Spit Bridge please."
She kind of looks at me funny and says, "There aren't any trains to Spit Bridge, you got to use a bus."
I said, "Well there aren't anymore buses...and the map said I could take a train."
"HONEY, where are you trying to go?"
"Spit Bridge."
"There aren't any trains that go there, use a bus."
"You've been a great help, thanks."
I walked away, shaking my head. It was bad enough I was:
A. Still drunk
B. Lost.
C. Running Late.
Did she really need to call me honey?
ANYWAY. I decide to just hop a bus and see what happens. I get on the 178 and ask the bus driver if he goes to Spit Junction. He says, "OF COURSE."
I'm riding down the road and he tells me this is my stop. Of course I say, well I really need to go to Spit Rd and Parriwi Rd. He tells me he'll let me know when to get off.
So. I finally get to Parriwi Rd and get really excited that I'm actually going to be right on time. Plus, I'm crossing my fingers that others will be late and the instructional period will go a little bit longer.
Nope. Wrong. I'm not even close to the damn kayaking place. I ended walking all the way down Parriwi Rd (the view was spectacular, so I couldn't complain) only to find out what?
What you ask?
She told me I could hire a kayak out, but the instructor had a hard time even coming back to test the winds. And I would want to risk my life by myself because....
This was a good thing because I didn't waste my money and I was really late as it is.
This was a bad thing BECAUSE I GOT UP AT 6AM TO GET THERE.
I digress.
The girl behind the desk told me that I could do the Manly Beach walk and I figured I'm here, why the hell not.
Should've been me on the Harbour :-(
The Spit Bridge from...the Spit Bridge
Me ON the Spit Bridge.
Love the way this pic turned out.
Some crazy people rowing. I want to be the girl steering.
Boats in the Harbour.
Manly Beach Walk.
Hey, Welcome to Manly!
The Spit Bridge from on top of the hill.
Overlooking the Harbour.
Through the trees.
Here's Me...Again.
Then, I notice on the bus stop that it goes to Dee Why. Keith, one of the Spin instructors at Bailey's Powerhouse Gym in Jax told me about Dee Why and how amazing it is. So I say, "LET'S GO!"
I hop the bus and go all the way to the end of the bus stop. Only to walk around a highway, stop at a gas station to ask where the beach is -- the guy looks at me very confused and points to the bathroom -- and decide it's just not worth the effort anymore, so I decide to go home.
Who went home later to find out the beach was literally 200 metres from where I was. Awesome. Another time, for sure.
Anyway. When I get off the bus I find some magnificent.
Oh. What a rough morning this was for me.
Happened to wake up with the sun. 6am style. And thank goodness for that. Why?
I had plans to go Kayaking at 8:30am. Who thought that was a good idea? Apparently. Me. Go ahead, slap me around a few times. I know, I know. But, hey, so what!? I need to get my ass out of bed anyway, which has proven to be difficult when you aren't obligated to be anywhere.
So. Let me tell you a little bit about this journey. I had to take two buses, no big deal, right? I hopped on one to the City. Walked my happy butt over to Wynyard Station -- close to Town Hall, sort of. And then take the 175 bus to the Spit Bridge. Done and done.
Nope. Hardly from the truth. Welllllll, you could say I was...running just a little late. Just a tad. Turns out the 175 only comes at one time on Saturday and I missed it. And guess who forgot her phone at home? Yup. Me. *facepalm*
I go inside asking where's the nearest payphone, of course the guy behind the counter doesn't speak English so I say to myself...Self, you are at a train station, see if there's a train to Spit Bridge! Sometimes, I amaze myself.
So I walk down into the train station and go to a woman behind the ticket counter. I say, "Hi! I need to go to Spit Bridge please."
She kind of looks at me funny and says, "There aren't any trains to Spit Bridge, you got to use a bus."
I said, "Well there aren't anymore buses...and the map said I could take a train."
"HONEY, where are you trying to go?"
"Spit Bridge."
"There aren't any trains that go there, use a bus."
"You've been a great help, thanks."
I walked away, shaking my head. It was bad enough I was:
A. Still drunk
B. Lost.
C. Running Late.
Did she really need to call me honey?
ANYWAY. I decide to just hop a bus and see what happens. I get on the 178 and ask the bus driver if he goes to Spit Junction. He says, "OF COURSE."
I'm riding down the road and he tells me this is my stop. Of course I say, well I really need to go to Spit Rd and Parriwi Rd. He tells me he'll let me know when to get off.
So. I finally get to Parriwi Rd and get really excited that I'm actually going to be right on time. Plus, I'm crossing my fingers that others will be late and the instructional period will go a little bit longer.
Nope. Wrong. I'm not even close to the damn kayaking place. I ended walking all the way down Parriwi Rd (the view was spectacular, so I couldn't complain) only to find out what?
What you ask?
She told me I could hire a kayak out, but the instructor had a hard time even coming back to test the winds. And I would want to risk my life by myself because....
This was a good thing because I didn't waste my money and I was really late as it is.
This was a bad thing BECAUSE I GOT UP AT 6AM TO GET THERE.
I digress.
The girl behind the desk told me that I could do the Manly Beach walk and I figured I'm here, why the hell not.
But as I was walking around and taking pictures, I started to get bored. Walking and scenery is only so much fun.
Then, I notice on the bus stop that it goes to Dee Why. Keith, one of the Spin instructors at Bailey's Powerhouse Gym in Jax told me about Dee Why and how amazing it is. So I say, "LET'S GO!"
I hop the bus and go all the way to the end of the bus stop. Only to walk around a highway, stop at a gas station to ask where the beach is -- the guy looks at me very confused and points to the bathroom -- and decide it's just not worth the effort anymore, so I decide to go home.
Who went home later to find out the beach was literally 200 metres from where I was. Awesome. Another time, for sure.
Anyway. When I get off the bus I find some magnificent.
I found a piano.
Just chillin in the city. One of the things I love about Sydney is that it's always got something going on. ALWAYS. They constantly have things around that remind you about recycling or music or art or anything, really. It's awesome.
So. Let's recap. Here I am, just hopped off the bus and see a freakin' piano just chillin on the side of the sidewalk. Immediately, I go over and tickle the ivories for a minute. I start to walk away and decide to take a picture. As I do, I see a few guys playing on it, just laughing and they walk away. Everyone that walks by ends up touching it.
It was fascinating. So after everyone's had their turn, I go over and play heart and soul then chopsticks. It was fantastic. Just fun to be playing the piano again. It's been so long and I reeeeeally miss it. A lot. When I finished up my songs and as I walked away, I teared up a little bit. I was just overjoyed with the fact that I got to play the piano. I was so, unbelievably happy. It was quite an experience.
Then, I get a call from Sam telling me they're going to go into the City, get some food in Chinatown, go Karaoke and then see Nikki's bf, Greg, DJ at Scubar. I raised my head and said, "Yes Please."
We got to Chinatown -- a place I hadn't been to yet -- and had some really good Chinese actually.
Dom's, who's from Italy, is showing off his freshly shaven chest (and back).
Tearing into some duck :-(
Why is the head still on? Why? Only thing I can say, at least you know it's not cat.

I made Nikki take this pic. Dax, who's in South Korea, says all the shy girls take pictures with their faces covered. We were in Chinatown -- I know that's not Korea, but Asian at least -- so I figured...why not.
Iain and Dom singing out their hearts!
Beat it! And Whoa. Ouch. But, listen to that cackle. I really thought something was funny.
After THREE HOURS of Karaoking (and I enjoyed every minute?!), we walked over to Scubar and saw Greg finish up his set. It was a really fun night. I like those people. More my speed than the Irish guys I live with.
Sunday. January 18, 2009.
I was supposed to work at 6pm, but they ended up calling me telling me not to come in -- they weren't busy at all. Melanie had been wanting to go out to dinner for the past week, so I thought I'd jump at the opportunity to get out with the roommate.
She picked a Brazilian BBQ place called Churrasco.
The grill. The Amazing Grill.
Of course, every guy in the place was in love with Melanie and wanted her so bad. I wish I was exaggerating, but she just gets guys like it's going out of style. Good for her.
Okay. Updates are done.
BTW. I have two appointments for photo rejuvenation on Wednesday. I couldn't decide which place was better, so I made two appointments. I hope this works!
Then, I get a call from Sam telling me they're going to go into the City, get some food in Chinatown, go Karaoke and then see Nikki's bf, Greg, DJ at Scubar. I raised my head and said, "Yes Please."
We got to Chinatown -- a place I hadn't been to yet -- and had some really good Chinese actually.
After our feast, we found a place called The Phoenix. It's right in the heart of Chinatown and Darling Harbour. You get two mics and your own room. It was SO much fun. I hadn't laughed so hard in my life. I was loving it. Although, karaoke always reminds me of what a bad singer I am. We can't all be good at everything. Gosh.
Here's Tom singing! His looks remind me of Josh Waller back home. At first I was kind of attracted to him because he's just so funny, but then I was like -- whoa! It's Josh Waller! My husband! I just couldn't do it. Here's a reminder of what Josh looks like.
Mr. Josh Waller. This is a typical picture of us.
Beat it! And Whoa. Ouch. But, listen to that cackle. I really thought something was funny.
After THREE HOURS of Karaoking (and I enjoyed every minute?!), we walked over to Scubar and saw Greg finish up his set. It was a really fun night. I like those people. More my speed than the Irish guys I live with.
Sunday. January 18, 2009.
I was supposed to work at 6pm, but they ended up calling me telling me not to come in -- they weren't busy at all. Melanie had been wanting to go out to dinner for the past week, so I thought I'd jump at the opportunity to get out with the roommate.
She picked a Brazilian BBQ place called Churrasco.
It. was. Phenomenal. Within 10 minutes, we had tried every meat. And we ate to our heart's content. Very exciting stuff. I think it's the best meal I've had here in Australia.
Of course, every guy in the place was in love with Melanie and wanted her so bad. I wish I was exaggerating, but she just gets guys like it's going out of style. Good for her.
Okay. Updates are done.
BTW. I have two appointments for photo rejuvenation on Wednesday. I couldn't decide which place was better, so I made two appointments. I hope this works!
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