I worked today only from 8-3. We were busy as H! It was awesome though because all of the sudden it was noon. Then it was 3 and I was like...OKAY! Would've made some awesome cash if we didn't have so many people on, but it's all good -- we needed everyone.
I also received several compliments from the "manager on duty" -- it was Pedro....remember him? He said he was impressed at how well I have really grown as a waitress...at Barzura.
Oh man. How sad does that sound?!? Sucks I'm leaving in less than two weeks and no one knows yet. I feel bad, honestly, I do. But. Such is life. I can't help that I want to move on and explore what this country has to offer. Some customers told me today that I HAD to go to Queensland. They say they never go, but it's a must....how does that work?
Anyway. After we sat around and ate lunch awkwardly......
Oh. I should probably explain the awkwardness. Basically. Pedro (the M.O.D.) is dating another girl named Lisa. You met her when we played Spin the Bottle at CBH. Anyway. This is all fine and dandy, except, Pedro's ex-girlfriend, Conti, is not so happy. Why? Because they all used to be best friends. Conti had to leave to extend her working visa and BAM. The goods were taken and life with Pedro was over for her.
Whoops. The kicker -- they all work together at Barzura.
How awful is that? I'd be getting myself a new job, a new place and a new life. The end.
So, after awkward lunch, we went over to CBH and had ourselves a few pitchers (ah-hem, jugs) of beer. The music was right, the sun was HOT and the company...was grand. Love these people. Srsly.
We ended up going our separate ways. I had a few things I could've done afterwards -- gone into the city and do an IEP event with Minelle -- who cancelled cuz she was tired. Can't blame the girl.
Or go to Bondi to...well...replace my old camera.
Or perhaps go to dinner with my roommate or at least hang out with the people I live with.
Nope. Instead, randomly, I got a call from my friend Dave, remember him? Yeah. Been awhile, eh? We kind of stopped talking after he took Melanie and me to a gay bar our third night in Sydney. Wonder why we haven't been in touched?
Regardless, he had a $120,000 car on loaner from his company and wanted to go driving. I said, "Yes PLEASE." We ended up going over to Bondi, except everything was closed. Although. Kmart was open.
People. I love me some KMart over here. In the States, that place SUCKS, but here -- it's glorious. And the prices are always so right.
Except I didn't buy a camera. Oh no, I had to be picky about that. Instead I bought clothes. And a ton of clothes at that. What is WRONG with me?! Hey. They're really cute. If I had a camera, I'd do a fashion show. But, alas, I do not.

Here's a pic of my bday dress I got the other day in Cronulla for $15. Amazing.
How. Cute. Eh?
It came with a black ribbon around the waist, but I bought a blue one...since...blue's my fav color. Duh.
(Sorry for the sh!tty quality..taken with my computer)
After that, he took me back to his place (OoooOoooo -- no...not like that) where we made some din-din and watched his roommates play video games. *cough* Nerds.
On the way home. I'm not sure if I can admit this openly. But. He stopped the car. Put it in park and....
Let. Me. Drive.
WTF! I freaked. I haven't driven in two months and I haven't driven on the WRONG side of the road. It was a feat. And he kept telling me to move over more because I was a little too close to the parked cars on my LEFT.
I'm not gonna lie. I could get used to this. But I need some practice. BIG TIME.
Anyway. That was my Sunday. It was a good one. As soon as I really start to feel comfortable in this place, I have to leave. Bummer. But it's all good. Off to explore the WORLD. Sort of.
1 comment:
Wait! not that i'm not totally interested in that car - but how did surfing go? whatcha doin for your bday?
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