Okay. So. I left you with the weekend recap...now it's time for the early week recap.
Monday morning, Ross came and picked me up around 8am. We drove off to check out, apparently, one of the most beautiful beaches in Sydney. Palm Beach. According to some co-workers of mine, it has the most picturesque views. And, ya know what, they weren't lying.
I hate posting this without any photos, but I wasn't the one with the camera. Obviously. So, those will have to come later. But here's a few snippets from google images so you can get a general idea.
Well. We arrived and got some poached eggs on toast at this cute kiosk overlooking the beach. It was spectacular. A family came and got some coffees while we were having our breakfast. It was the grandparent's, the Mom and the little son. Out of nowhere, the little boy all of the sudden just comes walking right over to me and holds my hand. It was the cutest thing. Ever. I felt really privileged. Kids like me!!!
We ended up talking to them for a bit, they happened to be from England so Ross was quizzing them about their roots. One of the grandfather's walks over and asks us if we just met. We smiled and said sort of and then his hits Ross on the shoulder and says, "Not too bad *indicating towards me* you kids have fun!"
WTF. Not too bad. Geez. Thanks.
Eventually we finish up and find our way to the base of the lighthouse. We took the "easier" route up to the lighthouse although it was incredibly steep and rocky. And yes, of course I wore flip-flops. Or thongs as they call them here. "Nice thongs!"
Anywaaaaaay. We came to a rock that overlooked the water and we literally sat there for an hour. Just taking in the breathtaking view and chatting about nothing. It was awesome.
Then we walked the rest of the way up to the lighthouse. We stood on top of a sign to look at the amazing view the lighthouse had to offer. Some guy working on the trails stopped and took our picture then suggested we go down about 20 metres to find, yet another, overlook.
I wish I told that guy I was in love with him. This. was. incredible. You could sit on a rock and overlook the GIANT Pacific ocean that looked out to several different islands off the coast. Whoa. Yet again, we sat and took in the sites for hours.
Eventually we made our way back to the beach and got into his car to get some lunch. Ah-hem. Should I mention it? I don't know...I don't know if it'd be right...ah, f it.
He got a parking ticket. How shitty is that?! And it wasn't like a, "hey, whoops, shouldn't have parked here...tsk tsk..here's a $10 fine." It was was $81 DOLLARS. What kind of parking ticket is that??!?!
Whatever. He got over it and we went to lunch at the place next door to the place we had breakfast. We had a seafood tasting plate and, um, that was literally what it was. A tasting plate -- not meant to be shared, that's for sure. Especially when Ross got another parking ticket (That's $162 in tickets, people). I'm not lying. It was a sad scene to watch.
But, we made the most of it, had a glass of wine and decided to go "hire" some kayaks and enjoy the rest of the views.
That wasn't exactly a good idea. It was nice to kayak, but, um, we got soaked. And I didn't bring a bathingsuit. And I definitely wore jeans. And the wind. Oh, the wind. It wasn't so kind to us. We didn't get very far before we "pulled over" and just decided to go swimming instead. The water was a lot warmer than the Pacific (we kayaked over like a lagoon) and it was crystal clear. Gorgeous.
Afterwards, we got back in the car and went to the mall to try to find me a camera. Unfortunately it was around 6pm and that's when everything closes. EVERYTHING. It's so gay. Srsly. I hate it.
But, whatever, we drove back to Coogee when we decided to go to Maroubra and grab a beer at a hotel. It's weird how everything is in hotels here -- clubs, bars, restaurants, gambling. Very bizarre. Anyway. We had an awesome time here reflecting on our days and laughing ourselves to tears. Phenomenal.
We went back to Coogee where we both cleaned up and went off to a Thai restaurant on the "strip." It was DELICIOUS! Awesome Pad Thai, lemme tell ya!
Ross is obsessed with ice cream and I think throughout the day he mentioned it, oh, about 10 times. So afterwards we went and got him some gelato. As we were walking back, I don't even know what I was doing, but I decided to drop the bottle of wine I had purchased for our dinner. It smashed everywhere and someone across the street screamed, "Taxi!" -- that's like saying...You're cut off. Which I was.
And yes. We did clean up the glass...as much as we could.
Anyway. That was my Palm Beach/Monday experience. A wonderful one, at that.
But that's not the end of my story.
I worked this morning at 6:45am. There were literally 3 people on the floor. It was insanity. Luckily we weren't too busy, but busy enough to keep us running all day long. And we didn't even make great tips :-(
Although. I had several people tell me today that I was nothing but smiles and they really enjoyed my company. They were so nice. So nice. One lady asked if I was an actress and said I should teach it one day. How weird.
After work, I hopped a bus to Bondi Junction, so I could do some shopping at a few Electronic stores. The first one, Bing Lee, had a HUGE canon for $95. I contemplated it, but I just hated the camera. Plus it uses batteries and I just plain HATE that. I'm such a snob.
So I left there pretty decided I'd be back to get the P.O.S. I walked over to Dick Smith's and found all their cameras to be out of my price range and the selection -- terrible. Went into Harvey Norman's just to look and found the same Canon for $99. I played with it for a bit and was still disappointed. I decided to look at the Sony Cybershot but determined that it was exactly like the other one and I didn't even like that one. I picked up the new Canon IXUS and again, I was disappointed.
I left there completely unsatisfied and more confused before I even got to Bondi. I walked over to the department store, Myer, since I read on their website that they sold cameras, just at department store prices. But my AWESOME Uncle had sent me a few gift cards for Christmas and they were beginning to burn a hole in my pocket.
I saw the same damn Canon for $20 more. And I finally made a decision that'd I'd just go ahead and buy the stupid camera, I'll lose it anyway.
I get a worker and he looks underneath the display to reveal...that the camera wasn't available -- sold out. Ah. Shit! I was bummed and figured it wasn't meant to be, so I decided to go see if they sold running shoes. Nope. No luck.
Those gift cards starting talking to me, so I decided I'd just go up there and get one I figured was okay. I found a fujifilm camera I liked enough (I know, what. was. I. thinking??!) and got the same worker to come over and get it for me. Sure enough. Sold Out.
COM'ON! At this point I questioned whether they really did sell cameras there. He suggested that we check the other stores and see what they had to offer.
As we walked over to the counter, I noticed a few cameras stashed away in a display case. I peered in and asked the guy what was up with those. He said, "Oh no, those are old and are missing parts."
Dude. Do I care?!? NO. As long as it works, I'll be good. I found a Sony Cybershot just like my Mom's back home for $100. But it was missing the battery. Bizarre. Then I spoted a Canon IXUS75.

I was SOLD. All I'd have to do was get a memory card, usb connector and a charger and I'd be good. When he rang it up at the register, it was only $80 and he said he'd go in the back and see if he would find the box. WHICH HE DID. So I had everything I could need. EVERYTHING.
You guys. I was JUMPING for joy at this point. I told the guy he had made my day and I loved him. Then I kissed him on the mouth and now I'm with child.
Okay. Not really. But Day-um. What an awesome find. AWESOME.
I walked over to Harvey Norman's and bought me a 2GB memory stick and decided to treat myself to a Kmart run. It's my new Target. And I was returning stuff anyways -- com'on. Would you expect anything less?
I bought myself some swimming trunks and this cute jacket.
That's my recap. Thanks for reading EVERYTHING. As soon as I get the Palm Beach photos, if I get them, I'll post 'em!
1 comment:
WHAT? You lost your twilight hoodie? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That's terrible! More terrible then losing two cameras! Okay, maybe not, but still. I'm so sorry. But glad you got a good deal on a "new" camera. Yay pictures again!
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