The next morning, Beth and I went and had brekky at the hostel and I called around to a few doctors to see if I could get an appointment. Luckily, they had availability and I made one for the afternoon.
When I fell, which was in the Rainforest, I definitely heard a pop. And that never means a good thing. So I figured I'd calm my nerves and get it checked out. That's why I have travel insurance, right?
So. Beth went off to the pharmacy to get some aloe -- she burned herself crazy-like style on Thursday while at the beach. And I hobbled around the hostel trying to get situated for my move on to Adelaide (i.e. laundry).
I got a text message from the tour guide offering to drive me around Melbourne since he felt so bad about me hurting my ankle. Of course I said YES.
Then I questioned how much it would cost...
Luckily he was nice enough to just do it out of the kindness of his heart.
He picked me up and asked me if there was any place in particular I wanted to see before I left Melbourne and I really didn't have anything in mind. So, he made the decision for us and took me to his family's winery. It's about an hour outside of the city -- whether it's south, west, east or north, that I don't know. I lost my sense of direction when I hurt my ankle.
We arrived at Mount William Winery where we were greeted by some cute dogs.
But. I question how much truth is to his story since afterall he is a tour guide. If I was a tour guide, which I'm sincerely contemplating doing when I get back, I would made all that shit up. All the time. Each day I'd be a new character. Not lying.
Anyway. We sat around the pool and had some light (I'm used to a more full-bodied) Pinot Noir that was made right on the homeland. I felt pretty special.
Then we hopped on a 4-wheeler and drove the farm area.
Sadly, things turned a bit because Mr. Tour Guide wasn't a friend anymore...he wanted to be a lover. I felt bad (man, how did the tables turn) for him being so kind I couldn't say no -- so a few kisses were shared, but I was just being polite. I guess.
Anyway. He got me back to the city within time to have my ankle checked out, which I hurt in the Rainforest (damn you flip-flops)!
The sports doctor said that I didn't sprain it too terribly bad. She wrapped my ankle, told me to ice it 20 minutes a day and gave me a few exercises to try making it more flexible.
Here's the thing. Srsly. Try this. Put your toe against the wall and bend your knee towards the wall. No problem, right? Now. I can get my knee about 5 inches from the wall. That's how bad it is. I'm supposed to keep working it until my knee can completely reach the wall.
Also. Calf raises. I can't even do one. Hurts too much.
Man. I got a long way to go!
Afterwards, I hobbled my way back to the hostel where I made myself the crappiest dinner EVER. Then Minelle called to tell me about a going away BBQ for some chick. Of course I said yes! Beth and I hopped a tram and met them at the Southern Cross Train station. Then we had to walk another 3km to get to the damn place. But it was worth the hobble.
The flat is located on the 8th floor, right on the river. It was spectacular. Great view of Melbourne. We drank some Goon and played drinking games. No. I didn't get drunk, thankyouverymuch. I knew I had an early morning and I wasn't about to do my hobble, heavy luggage shuffle with a hangover.
It was sad to leave Melbourne -- I really enjoyed the place! But I know I'll be back.
I just know it.
1 comment:
so, does this mean your next career is tour guide? done. and it's so funny about your ankle - cuz if you were in the states they'da loaded you up with painkillers and told you to rest easy. But apparently in Oz they do things a little bit more hard-core-ish. hmmmm.
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