My first night here, I had a friend of mine pick me up from the airport, drive me and my HUGE backpack to the hostel and then we went out near Chinatown for a drink. What a great way to start off the trip!
When I got into my room, pretty much all 7 girls were asleep. It was kind of sad for a Friday Night at 10pm. Really sad.
Anyway. When I got back from my night out having a drink, as I was getting situated the girl on the top bunk across from me was grinding her teeth over and over again. It was one of the worst sounds I think I've ever heard. UGH. Of course I just put the pillow over my head and called it a night. And somehow -- I passed out.
The next morning I got up early and decided to walk around the city. Me craving some much needed exercise. I followed a couple dressed in exercise clothes just knowing that'd know an awesome place to get in a walk/jog. As I exerci-stalked them, I proved to be wrong. They ended up walking towards the hospital here in Melbourne. Whoops.
So I wiped out my map and found my way to the Royal Park. Along the way I got to see The University of Melbourne, which, is BEAUTIFUL. An absolutely gorgeous facility.
Along my walk through the Royal Park, I realized how ugly the park really is. Not sure if you've heard about this (insert sarcasm), but it's been really dry here, oh, for the past 7 years. So dry that fires have broken out. The Metro of Melbourne is totally fine, but you can still see a thick layer of haze over the city and smell the smoke from the smoldering fires. The grass in this park is brown. And the grass has a hay-like consistency.
Am I seriously writing a report?
Anyway. Guess who I ran into? The exerci-stalker couple. They did know where they were going. I guess the hospital was a shortcut?
Another thing about the park. The flies. OH THE FLIES. They are so ugly. So annoying. And they love the sweat of humans. Yum.
Moving on. I met up with Gemma, a girl who came through the same program as me. She's Canandian and is friends with Minelle and Tracy. She's staying at the Melbourne Metro YHA, like myself, so we had breakfast in the cafe downstairs.
God love the child, but damn does she talk loud. And I mean LOUD. She has no shame. Good for her, but it's a bit embarrassing to be around.
Hey. My blog is private now. No one can read this unless I say they can. BAM!! Means I can be even more openly honest. BREW HAHA!!
Moving forward. We both went to get ready and decided to go down to the Queen Victoria Markets. This is just like the Paddy's Market in Sydney's Chinatown. Tons of clothes, souvenirs, and shit you just don't need. I got over it pretty quickly. Plus...the company.....MOVING ON...
So. We went out separate ways and I decided to take in a little bit more of Melbourne. I walked down Elizabeth Street (with McDonald's ice cream cone in hand...) and found myself in the hub of the city. It was awesome. Tons of people, places, activity -- my kind of town.
People here are...more interesting. They don't care and I like it. As I was walking along Elizabeth Street this woman on a payphone with her daughter playing at her feet ends up screaming (And when I say screamed, I literally mean...screamed), "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? I'M TIRED OF GETTING FUCKED AROUND TODAY!" Then she slammed down the phone and I was already past the corner to check out what was going to happen next. Phenomenal.
See. I was in search for a new hostel, Urban Central, that I was told was awesome. People are friendly, open to meeting new people and...there's a bar located on ground level. Saaa-weeet!
I walked over the bridge, which was a great pedestrian bridge, and took in the other side of the river. This is where Melbourne actually reminded me of Jacksonville. There's a river running through the downtown area....yeah. That's about it. Doesn't take much.
I took the hostel's advice and walked another route back into the city. Walking along the river, being it Valentine's day, wasn't the best part. The best part were all the shops and restaurants and, again, the activity of everyone just enjoying the perfect weather. (oh here we go again about the weather! I am my mother's daughter).
I walked back to Flinder's Street Station so I could hop a train to Richmond where Minelle and Tracy live. A day pass here costs about $6.80, but you can use that for the entire day no matter how many stops you have. Doesn't. Matter.
I got to Richmond, saw their cute little place and then we took a walk to Bridge Street via Swan St. Tons, and I mean tons, of shops and restaurants and bars and cafes and EVERYTHING. It was super cool. We decided to do some "cafe" hopping and take advantage of the awesome happy hours.
One of the places we decided to indulge in was a place called...Truffles. No lie. If you don't know me, that was the name of the cafe I worked at for 5 years (on and off). Except we didn't sell Truffles. But this place, this place did.
We had delightful conversation about our numbers (if you don't know what I mean, keep reading...and consider it void) and how badly Tracy So we decided. It's V-Day, let's get the hell out there and meet some boys, damnit!
Thus. We did.
On my walk home, mind you it is Valentine's Day, I hear a girl yell to her boyfriend, "I KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!" And when I went to look at that general direction that comment came from, I saw a guy hop out of the car, slam the door and run towards the train station. Where, yes, he did buy a train ticket and leave her ass behind.
I watched her drive by, phone in hand, searching for him. But, ah-hem, he's already gone, Honey.
Anyway. I went home and changed, taking my time as always, and then met up with them near Federation Square (across from Flinder's Street Station) at a club called Transport Hotel. They were playing some awful 80's, 90's, and today's greatest hits or some shit. It rocked cuz it was all those cliché songs you always hear, but always pretend to love.
Well, as I waited in line to get in, these two guys turn around and ask me where an Irish Pub is. I snort and say, "I have absolutely no idea." Then I joke around and say, "Oh yeah! There's one over here." (pointing in all different directions)
One of the guys, Matt, gets all frustrated because he realizes that they're not going to get in. He starts to walk off and I turn to the other guy, Denby (Yes. That's his real name), and tell them I'll get them in, no worries.
Um. Hi. Where did those balls come from?
So. As we approach the security, they tell me I can get in...but the other two....
So I perk up and tell him that Denby's my Valentine B/F and we wanted to go dancing. He says that's cool and let's Denby and I in. His friend Matt, has to wait another 2 minutes. But hey. They got in...
So, eventually Tracy and Minelle are tired (of talking to their 20 year olds) and we all decide to leave. I basically have to hit Denby over the head with a shoe to get him out of there. Go on, boy! Go home, boy! Hurry along!
Oh. I forgot to mention. I'm leaving the Metro YHA and checking into the Urban Central Hostel tomorrow. I'll be sharing a room with only 3 more people, which is a co-ed room. Wish me luck!
I figured, why the hell not, if I hate it...I'm only here for 5 more days...OMG. Time FLIES!!
It's Sunday morning, gorgeous day out (already went for a walk in the beauti-ugly-ass-ful Royal Park) and had breakfast with Gemma (kill me now). It's time to take on the day!
You make my day everytime I read about your adventures! Sounds like you had an awesome Valentines besides teeth grinder.
Dude I know what it sounds like when someone grinds their teeth at night and it's awful! I'm glad to hear you're moving to a new place and that melbourne's turning out to be so much fun. MAN I MISS YOU.
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