After I finished up my blog, I walked over to the National Gallery of Victoria. I didn't go inside, it was too late in the day to take my time, so I sat outside against the art sculptures and focused on my next leg of travels.
I didn't really have a plan, just knew I'd be leaving during the weekend sometime.
I called a few Kangaroo Island WWOOFing places -- all of which were too busy. So I decided to call the lady that owns a Beach bungalow in Adelaide. She picked up and apologized for not getting back to me sooner -- I had called her from the airport on Friday. She said if I could only stay for 3 days, she'd love to house me. SH-WEETT! She must know how boring Adelaide is -- so a few days would be a perfect fit! Plus, it'll get me over to Perth much sooner.
We spoke a little bit about the living situation -- I'll be staying in the lounge room on the couch and be doing a few household chores for her. Hey. It's free accommodation and free food. I can put up with anything.
After hanging up with my new WWOOF host, Barbara, I was so excited I called my mom. Little did I know she had gone out of town and my bro was staying at her house. We chatted a bit about our lives and all was good.
I decided to text Mr. Denby, to see if he was still in Melbourne and of course he had already left. BUT. He turned around just to be able to see me -- one. more. time.
Man. I feel special.
So, we met up where we "first met" and went and had a beer on the balcony of a restaurant called Blue Train. It overlooks the Yarra river which runs through Melbourne's downtown area. We had a great little chat about his job -- he's an elementary school teacher of 3-4th graders. How cute! He was telling me about his kids and how much he really enjoys his job.
*my heart melts*
We were going to say our goodbyes, but instead we heard some live music coming from the bar downstairs. It's an Irish pub called P.J. O'Brien's and there was a one-man band singing Irish ditties that, of course, everyone in the pub knew. It was really wonderful.
Denby invited me to see his band play on Wednesday -- he's in a band with his mom.
Not. Lying.
He plays bass and his mom plays the violin. Too. Cute.
Not. Lying.
He plays bass and his mom plays the violin. Too. Cute.
I said yes, but later on I found out there isn't a late night train from his hometown, so I'd have to stay the night. Not sure I'm ready for that........
Anyway. We said our goodbyes -- awwwkkwwaarrdd -- he's a nervous little guy, so it wasn't the best of was like a half hug with our butts sticking out.
Anyway. I met up with a guy I met from the net a few months back -- when I still was in the States. We went to a drive-in movie, yes I know what you're thinking, and, being that this was my first time EVER to a drive-in, I was more than enthusiastic about the movie. THE MOVIE. Not him. Not him in the slightest, actually. Although he was rather attractive. Romanian to be exact.
Anyway. That was night and I walked my happy ass home to my hostel in North Melbourne.
The next morning, I woke up ready to move into my new hostel. Had breakfast with Gemma (whoopty-doo!) and then took a cab to Urban Central. I got there around noon, but couldn't check in til 2pm, so I setup shop in the kitchen on my laptop for the next TWO HOURS.
Finally, two hours were up and I made my way to check in.
"Oh sorry, our clean-up crew is taking too long, check out is at 2:30pm"
So, I went into the bar area and watched some movie with George Clooney. I was just starting to get into it when, BAM, the damn barmaid turns on the lights and turns the movie off.
Huh? Weird. But whatever.
I check in and get to my HUGE room. There are two bunk beds but there's so much room! I love it! Another girl comes in, she's actually from San Fransisco. So we get to chatting about our experiences thus far and she takes off to meet a girl she met online.
Another girl, who had already been staying there, comes in and we talk about where she's been, that she's leaving the next day to go to Sydney and she's from Switzerland -- on her way home in a few days.
I leave her to go meet up with Minelle and Tracy and some of Tracy's new co-workers. We meet up at a bar called Young & Jacksons -- right across the street from Findlers station and Federation Square. Of course, they're on the rooftop which proved to be cool...but not that cool -- we couldn't see anything but walls and the tall buildings next to it. Eh. We were still outside and that's cool.
We move on to a bar called The Public Bar. It's a $5 cover charge and after looking in the mirror, I decide it would be in my best interest NOT to drink. But. The jugs (pitchers) were only $4.50. I mean. I can't resist that!
So, we start drinking and Paul, Tracy's co-worker at a coffeeshop, who's from the UK, starts cracking me up. This guy is so funny. We just go back and forth making fun of accents. We had the Aussie hillbilly accent, the Dirty South accent, the Ghetto accent, etc. We didn't stop. All night we kept going back and forth. It was a bit...O.O.C. -- out of control.
We left that bar and went to this dive in the middle of the city. You would've NEVER known it was there unless a local took you. Luckily, Paul's very friendly so he's gotten to know A LOT of people. Not sure the name of this place but it was located at Elizabeth St and Abeckett St. You go up 2 flights of stairs and then you're in this really chill, relaxed atmosphere. We sat and chitchatted while Tracy fell asleep. She left shortly after and then we decided to do a few shots.
The first being, tequila. Paul's choice.
That quickly brought back memories of Mexico. Oh dear god, did that bring back memories. Eeek.
We started talking about modern art and how f'd up it is. We actually got to thinking and BAM, we officially have our own idea for a new piece. We're going to win a Pulitzer price. or something comparable. I think. Maybe one day I'll explain it to you. But the piece's name is SICK.
After another shot, called Skittles (say that with a British accent) which is cointreau and red bull -- and yes, it actually does taste like skittles, we moved on to a bar you would NEVER find on your own. NEVER.
It was located in Chinatown down a dark, dark, graffiti'd alleyway. An alleyway you'd only go down if you didn't value your life. But hey! I'm in Melbourne, with two people, what could go wrong?!
It was called the Croft Institute -- located on Croft Ave. It was designed like a 1950's mental institution with syringes and straight-jackets sporadically decorated around. The colors of that place really made you feel like you were in a mental institution. It was pretty awesome. Paul ordered all of us a mojito, minus the soda and the rum. What does that give you? Oo -- tequila, apple, sugar water and mint. W.T.F.

I. Couldn't. Pee.
I had to go use the men's bathroom since it had a bit more light. But yes. I ran down the stairs fearing for my life. FEARING.
Anyway. We all decide it's time to call it a night. On our walk home, Paul and I kept doing our ridiculous country/ghetto/southern/redneck accents all the while Minelle kept telling us to be quiet. She was definitely playing the Mom role that night.
We walk by a bar that's still open, and being the curious threesome we are, we decide to walk in. Too bad the bartender was a DICK. He tells us he'll serve us, but we have 5 minutes to drink it. Of course, I want nothing to do with the asshole-ish bartender, but Paul decides to have a shot of vodka. Belvedere to be exact.
He loves it and I profess it's my mom's favorite vodka. Awwwww.
Afterwards, Paul and Minelle hop a cab back to Richmond area. And I walk my happy ass home. This place is really that cool that a girl can walk home by herself. Well. I did contemplate how heavy my purse was and how much damage it could really do. And I say, heaps. Besides. I felt safer walkin in the streets in the dark all by my lonesome, more so than that damn ladies' room at the Institution. Srsly.
The best part -- when I walked into the hostel, I ran into a guy I worked with at the Peat's Ridge Music Festival during New Years. HOW RANDOM!
He recognized me right away and took me over to meet his friends. We played a round of pool and then I called it a night.
Woke up the next day feeling grrrr-eat and took a 10K walk around Albert's Lake.
It's right up Clarendon st which I found all kinds of cool bars, cafes, restaurants and shops. Thrift shops included. (Don't worry, I held myself back).
Then I met up with Minelle (and Gemma..ugh) for lunch (um, a veggie steamed bun from some Asian shop -- delicious!) and walked over to Tracy's coffeehouse. Minelle's looking for a job and thought she'd talk to the boss to see what kind of hook-up he has around Melbourne.
Minelle and I walked to the Big W (comparable to Wal-Mart) so I could buy me some new pants. I told you. My ass is getting too big. We found this AMAZING shop (called the QV) that had pretty much anything and everything you could want. I love discovering things in Melbourne. It's so easy and so much better than the touristy stuff!!
We split our ways, she went to see the movie "He's just not that into you" -- which I've already seen and I went home to change.
Yes. I said change. I found a Hot Yoga place just a couple blocks from the hostel. It's a $19 introductory fee and you basically can go as much as you want for 10 days. I say, no prob -- I'm only here for 5...why not go twice a day.
Yeah. It sucked. I sweated my life out and had to sit out a few times. That sh!t is crazy hard. It's called Bikram Yoga. Which is the practice of yoga in the HEAT. The 40 degree heat. And by 40 Celcius, I mean 104 degrees people. Insanity. The first few minutes were okay, but the next 75 minutes of the class (for a total of 90 minutes) was crucial. I wanted to die.
Now, I did try it once in Jax, unsuccessfully I might add, but thought I'd try something different while in Australia. And you know what -- I felt special that I got through it and convinced myself to go at least one more time...
Count my words. Count 'em.
Off to dinner in Lygon street (a.k.a. Little Italy) so I can consume more calories than I burned today! Yay, Fatty!
Anyway. We all decide it's time to call it a night. On our walk home, Paul and I kept doing our ridiculous country/ghetto/southern/redneck accents all the while Minelle kept telling us to be quiet. She was definitely playing the Mom role that night.
We walk by a bar that's still open, and being the curious threesome we are, we decide to walk in. Too bad the bartender was a DICK. He tells us he'll serve us, but we have 5 minutes to drink it. Of course, I want nothing to do with the asshole-ish bartender, but Paul decides to have a shot of vodka. Belvedere to be exact.
He loves it and I profess it's my mom's favorite vodka. Awwwww.
Afterwards, Paul and Minelle hop a cab back to Richmond area. And I walk my happy ass home. This place is really that cool that a girl can walk home by herself. Well. I did contemplate how heavy my purse was and how much damage it could really do. And I say, heaps. Besides. I felt safer walkin in the streets in the dark all by my lonesome, more so than that damn ladies' room at the Institution. Srsly.
The best part -- when I walked into the hostel, I ran into a guy I worked with at the Peat's Ridge Music Festival during New Years. HOW RANDOM!
He recognized me right away and took me over to meet his friends. We played a round of pool and then I called it a night.
Woke up the next day feeling grrrr-eat and took a 10K walk around Albert's Lake.

Then I met up with Minelle (and Gemma..ugh) for lunch (um, a veggie steamed bun from some Asian shop -- delicious!) and walked over to Tracy's coffeehouse. Minelle's looking for a job and thought she'd talk to the boss to see what kind of hook-up he has around Melbourne.
Minelle and I walked to the Big W (comparable to Wal-Mart) so I could buy me some new pants. I told you. My ass is getting too big. We found this AMAZING shop (called the QV) that had pretty much anything and everything you could want. I love discovering things in Melbourne. It's so easy and so much better than the touristy stuff!!
We split our ways, she went to see the movie "He's just not that into you" -- which I've already seen and I went home to change.
Yes. I said change. I found a Hot Yoga place just a couple blocks from the hostel. It's a $19 introductory fee and you basically can go as much as you want for 10 days. I say, no prob -- I'm only here for 5...why not go twice a day.
Yeah. It sucked. I sweated my life out and had to sit out a few times. That sh!t is crazy hard. It's called Bikram Yoga. Which is the practice of yoga in the HEAT. The 40 degree heat. And by 40 Celcius, I mean 104 degrees people. Insanity. The first few minutes were okay, but the next 75 minutes of the class (for a total of 90 minutes) was crucial. I wanted to die.
Now, I did try it once in Jax, unsuccessfully I might add, but thought I'd try something different while in Australia. And you know what -- I felt special that I got through it and convinced myself to go at least one more time...
Count my words. Count 'em.
Off to dinner in Lygon street (a.k.a. Little Italy) so I can consume more calories than I burned today! Yay, Fatty!
1954 words. I counted them. Not including the title. That's a lot of words.
YAY hot yoga! Okay, I swear I've been checking your blog and hadn't seen anything, thought you were dead, and then BAM - I'm behind like 347892374 days again. WTF? Dude yoga is becoming my life. I'm so glad you found a good class for a try!
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