Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So, here's a random rundown of my life while you were sleeping...

I got off my ass and job hunted, but didn't find anything...again. Nobody's hiring guys. And of course, the owners/managers are never there. It's proving to be a bit difficult.

So. I ate to make myself feel better.

Then I decided to catch up on a film and watched 1/2 of The Day the Earth Stood Still

And got bored.

So I went to the gym. Yay me.

I came home, showered, checked in w/ my boring roommate and politely asked him for a ride down to Waxy's Irish Pub to get a least a beer for St. Patty's Day.

I met up with a few people from CouchSurfing. And guess what? They're definitely potential friends. We'll see.

But. I left early because I forgot to put on deo and I definitely smelled pretty skank (sad...I know).

Now, I'm here, chillin b4 bed, checkin my email and guess who writes me?

No. Srsly. GUESS.

Nope. Wrong. I was surprised too.

It was the crazy bitch from Western Australia that read my blog and freaked..

And guess what it says:

"Hey Mariah, I hope you are enjoying your time still in OZ , Mum and Dad said you had a nice time down south with Dan & betty , Stay in touch.
Ashley :)"



And I totally deleted her on facebook b/c I didn't want to hear anything from her/them ever again. I'll stick to my Grandpa. He's the real deal. KThxBye.

1 comment:

kaymasen said...

deleting peeps from facebook is so therapeutic :)