FYI. Since my internet is pretty much non-existent, I won't be posting pics with this
blog, but they will be posted at a later date. Promise. Thanks for your patience.
Updating my blog has become rather difficult, as you can tell from the lack of posts.
Not because I'm bored out of my mind with NOTHING to report. It's the fact that we
are really camping.
And by camping, I mean, finding the most beautiful spot to park, moving all the shiznit
from the back to the front and laying our heads down to rest in the back of a
station wagon.
For free.
These past 6 days have been amazing. And I'm not just saying that to make people
think I'm havin a great time while in reality I'm completely miserable.
I. Really. Am. Having. Fun.
Ross and I thoroughly enjoy one another's company and we haven't bitched each
other out. Yet. He's a true gentlemen and really thinks about others before himself.
It's a nice change of pace.
Blah blah blah. Who wants to hear about all that mushy gushy stuff. Yeah. Me
So. I left off with our shooting star spectacular in Byron Bay.
The next morning, we got up and went to the lighthouse in Byron Bay. It's kinda of a
staple here in this town because of the fact it's the most Easternly point in Australia.
Look. I'm not lying.
That was cool, but it was hot and my ankle wasn't a huge fan of the uphill/downhill
So. We got ourselves down to the beach and tried our luck in boogie boarding.
Yeah. Neither of us caught a wave, but we had a great time laughing about it.
Then we went to the grocery store to get ourselves some dinner -- which was a
brilliant idea. We bought ourselves one of those really greasy chickens that are
pre-cooked. Um. First -- delicious. Second -- lasted us for days. FOR DAYS.
And we enjoyed our delicious chicken with sweet potato mash, made by Mr. Foss
(my nickname for him) and I made some delicious steamed broccoli. For some
poor-ass people, we sure are living the dream. Ha!
Then we were off to go meet up with a girl I met on the bus from Surfers Paradise to
Byron. Really nice girl from the UK who's traveling the world. Oh right. I already told
you about her. Anyway. We met up at the Beach Hotel and had a couple of drinks
then we walked ourselves home where Ross and I laugh THE WHOLE WAY
HOME. There just wasn't any stopping us. Boom.
The next morning we got ourselves up and packed up all of our stuff and we said
goodbye Byron. It was bittersweet since we were having such a good time, but
there was camping to be had! None of this cozy hostel crap.
By suggestion of one of Ross' friends, Fi, we drove to the Lamington National Park
which was absolutely breath-taking. Notice how most of my pics are of nice
beaches or flat-lands, but rarely any mountains and the like? Well this is where my
pictures change. Glorious.
So we had lunch (yes, chicken) with a bit of Mug-a-Goon. Our new name for boxed
wine, since we don't have wine glasses. It fits. And it's funny. So there.
Afterwards we walked a 4km trek to the Gollossum Pools. And, unfortunately, it
wasn't that cool considering we definitely walked more than 4km and all downhill.
Which meant the trek up was going to be all uphill and more than 4km. Ugh. But we
did see a GINORMOUS iguana that leaped out at us and made me scream and
we also saw a rooster who somehow disappeared into thin air when we reached
his path. Don't ask questions, we aren't.
Then it was time to setup shop. We found out it would cost us $24 to camp in the
actual park, so we decided to go back out of the park and stop at an overlook that
was rather breathtaking. And where some paragliders happened to fly from. So.
Our first night in the car was uneventful, but a good laugh. And surprisingly
comfortable. Who would've thunk!
The next morning we awoke to all the paragliders setting up as well as an all
female Eco-tour. However, I'm convinced they weren't all female. They were all
lesbian. I mean, really. It just made sense.
Foss went over and talked to the "head-honcho" and got some information on
where to go for an awesome trek. And he stole some of their breakfast. Sad. We're
As we were on our way to the trek, we pulled the car over because we saw the
most exquisite sight. The Gold Coast in the distance with the forest stretching out
towards it. Beautiful.
And Foss picked me some flowers. Aw.
We went to the Springbrook National Park where we went on a 4km circuit through
Twin Falls. It was beautiful.
Afterwards we went to a little cafe to get some water (we didn't plan on the trek
being as long as it was) and found some AMAZING hats. Srsly. Are these not just
We bought 12.
On our way down to the Gold Coast we saw a sign for the "Best of All Lookouts."
We were pretty stunned that this might be, holy wow, the best of all. So we had to
have a look.
Good thing it was rainy and gross. Because that view was spectacular. Wow. So
spectacular, we didn't know what to do with ourselves. So we made a lot of jokes
and I think one of our favorites was that the guy who named the Best of All
Lookouts really had the last name of "Best of All." Has to be.
Off we went to go to the Gold Coast so we could see the sights and have a nice
night out of partying.
Only thing was we didn't really book in advance, so we had nowhere to stay.
Fortunately, since I had lived there, I had a couple of contacts. One guy from
couchsurfing that said I could crash as well as get us in for free at the Wicked Party
tour or my old roommate, since no one had moved in yet.
We were in luck and took my old roommate option. He's so freakin laid-back and
chill, I really appreciate the fact that I got to meet him and get to know him. PIMP.
So we got ready really fast and went to Strike Bowling to meet up with the Wicked
Party group. Ran into the head guy Nic, who had some crazy pink hair, and
slapped some wrists bands on us and said, "have fun."
So we got to go to 5 clubs where we received 5 drink coupons. You'd think 5 drinks
would be enough, but, um no. We still spent too much money on alcohol.
We started at Strike Bowling where everyone needed more liquid courage, went to
Melba's where everyone started to enjoy themselves with dancing, went to a
terrible place called Cheers & Drinks -- or something gay. I ended up dancing with
a guy there which was kind of dumb. But it prompted something else, I'll get to it in a
Then we got to go to The Bedroom, which is somewhere I've been wanting to go. It
was okay, not very exciting so I was a bit disappointed. Le Sigh.
Then Foss and I were ready to go back to Broadbeach and hit up a few bars there.
We went to Liars (where I met Vic) and had a drink, but sat and talked. About what?
The fact that I told the guy I danced with that Foss wasn't my man. Oh dear. Since
we hadn't gone over the guidelines of this trip to an exact T, I wasn't sure what to
call Foss.
Basically. We concluded. We're boyfriend/girlfriend.
SCORE. It's back on people, back on.
We then left Liars and headed for the Casino since I just couldn't stop myself from
going there All. The. Time. We didn't gamble, but instead we talked about serious
stuff. Why do I do this all the time? Whenever I get drunk, I get serious. And it's gay.
Someone slap me on the wrist. Hard.
The next morning we woke up with some serious hangovers. It wasn't pretty. So we
did some laundry, I watched a few deleted scenes from Forgetting Sarah Marshall
and then we were off. Went to Pacific Fair so we could buy a windshield shade for
the car and Foss wanted to try on some t-shirts. He's obsessed with t-shirts.
And being that we were going back out into the wilderness, we decided to get
some cheap grub from BK -- or as OZ knows it, Hungry Jacks. It wasn't half bad.
So. On our way we went. Off to The Glass House Mountains. That post is NEXT (in
like 5 weeks)!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Rollercoaster Wednesday
So for my last few days in Broadbeach, I didn't make most of it. I really relaxed, did some shopping (Hellz yeah! Finally!) and then I took a few walks on the beach.
As you saw in my earlier post, I went for a early-ass morning walk and then went shopping at a lil' place called Pacific Fair. I forgot to mention there's nothing lil' about this place. It's, in fact, the largest shopping center on the Gold Coast. And it was glorious.
On Tuesday, I went back to Pacific Fair to return some things. What. Some habits die hard. And that one will NEVER die. I promise.
Then I bought a dress to make myself feel special (what? It was $9.95) and I booked myself an appointment to have my eyebrows waxed and my eyelashes tinted.
It. Was. Awesome.
The girl was probably the best beautician I've ever had. She was quiet, didn't want small talk and took her time. While my eyelashes were being tinted, she asked if I wanted a head massage. I thought about it for a hot minute thinking that this might be extra, but what the hell. Why not.
Ladies & Gents, that was by far the best damn $40 I spent in a long long time.
Later that day, feeling a bit antsy, I went for a long 9k walk along the beachside until I ended up in Nobby Beach. Cute lil' beach town. But nothing to report there, just got some much needed exercise.
I went to bed pretty early on Tuesday consider I haven't been sleeping that well. Not so well that I had to take 1/2 an ambien on Sunday night. Kind of sad.
Woke up Wednesday a little uneasy. I had a lot to do before I left -- pack my bag, clean the apartment, do some last-minute laundry and get my ass to the bus station.
And I hadn't heard from my Sydney boyfriend.
That worried me most of all.
But it was all good, we chatted for a hot minute before I made my way to the bus station.
BTW. I don't ever want to do that again. This backpack is HEAVY. And it was hot. HOT.
I basically got to the bus station and picked the first counter that said Byron Bay and booked myself on the bus just so I could get rid of my bag. Thank you Jebus.
I sat down next to a girl who had booked the same bus and she was so nice. Caroline from London. She has a round-the-world ticket that she started back in August. She's been all over Europe, Asia, Australia and now she's off to South America, Central America, NYC and then back home. How PIMP. She said she only paid 2500 pounds for 17 different flights whenever she feels like it.
Lucky Bitch!
We exchanged numbers since we'll be in Byron the same amount of time. Hopefully we'll meet up for a drink.
We were dropped off at the Bryon bus station where I got to meet my Sydney boyfriend. It's been about 2-3 weeks since I've seen him and it was a bit nerve-racking. Silly. I know. But it was good.
We dropped Caroline off at her awesome hotel (this girl is living it up!) and then we checked into our hostel...which is fairly far from the town, but it's right on the beach and actually very nice.
We decided to walk along the beach into town where we stopped at a bar to get a beer. Price was all that mattered. Then we went to the grocery store so we could make ourselves a cheap cheap dinner.
$4 steak w/ tons of veggies and potatoes.
It wasn't half bad.
We walked down to the beach after dinner and just checked out the stars. I must've seen 6 shooting stars in the course of an hour. It was spectacular. What a great way to spend the first leg of our trip together.
It's gonna be a long journey, that's for sure. Camping not my thing, but I'm up for the challenge. I'll keep you guys posted!!
As you saw in my earlier post, I went for a early-ass morning walk and then went shopping at a lil' place called Pacific Fair. I forgot to mention there's nothing lil' about this place. It's, in fact, the largest shopping center on the Gold Coast. And it was glorious.
On Tuesday, I went back to Pacific Fair to return some things. What. Some habits die hard. And that one will NEVER die. I promise.
Then I bought a dress to make myself feel special (what? It was $9.95) and I booked myself an appointment to have my eyebrows waxed and my eyelashes tinted.
It. Was. Awesome.
The girl was probably the best beautician I've ever had. She was quiet, didn't want small talk and took her time. While my eyelashes were being tinted, she asked if I wanted a head massage. I thought about it for a hot minute thinking that this might be extra, but what the hell. Why not.
Ladies & Gents, that was by far the best damn $40 I spent in a long long time.
Later that day, feeling a bit antsy, I went for a long 9k walk along the beachside until I ended up in Nobby Beach. Cute lil' beach town. But nothing to report there, just got some much needed exercise.
I went to bed pretty early on Tuesday consider I haven't been sleeping that well. Not so well that I had to take 1/2 an ambien on Sunday night. Kind of sad.
Woke up Wednesday a little uneasy. I had a lot to do before I left -- pack my bag, clean the apartment, do some last-minute laundry and get my ass to the bus station.
And I hadn't heard from my Sydney boyfriend.
That worried me most of all.
But it was all good, we chatted for a hot minute before I made my way to the bus station.
BTW. I don't ever want to do that again. This backpack is HEAVY. And it was hot. HOT.
I basically got to the bus station and picked the first counter that said Byron Bay and booked myself on the bus just so I could get rid of my bag. Thank you Jebus.
I sat down next to a girl who had booked the same bus and she was so nice. Caroline from London. She has a round-the-world ticket that she started back in August. She's been all over Europe, Asia, Australia and now she's off to South America, Central America, NYC and then back home. How PIMP. She said she only paid 2500 pounds for 17 different flights whenever she feels like it.
Lucky Bitch!
We exchanged numbers since we'll be in Byron the same amount of time. Hopefully we'll meet up for a drink.
We were dropped off at the Bryon bus station where I got to meet my Sydney boyfriend. It's been about 2-3 weeks since I've seen him and it was a bit nerve-racking. Silly. I know. But it was good.
We dropped Caroline off at her awesome hotel (this girl is living it up!) and then we checked into our hostel...which is fairly far from the town, but it's right on the beach and actually very nice.
We decided to walk along the beach into town where we stopped at a bar to get a beer. Price was all that mattered. Then we went to the grocery store so we could make ourselves a cheap cheap dinner.
$4 steak w/ tons of veggies and potatoes.
It wasn't half bad.
We walked down to the beach after dinner and just checked out the stars. I must've seen 6 shooting stars in the course of an hour. It was spectacular. What a great way to spend the first leg of our trip together.
It's gonna be a long journey, that's for sure. Camping not my thing, but I'm up for the challenge. I'll keep you guys posted!!
byron bay,
gold coast,
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Beauty of a Broadbeach Sunrise
I'll let the pictures do the talking....
Pre-workout. I dunno about the red cheeks. Maybe I'm still drunk...


Ahhh. The glorious sunrise at 5:45am. And then I went for an hour walk. What?
Apparently. So does the rest of QLD. There was high traffic on the beach this morning.
Think I can conquering doing this again tomorrow? Only time will tell....

Apparently. So does the rest of QLD. There was high traffic on the beach this morning.
Think I can conquering doing this again tomorrow? Only time will tell....
Adventures All Around
So. A dear, dear friend (relative, Uncle...whatever you want to call him) wrote me an email saying I haven't updated in awhile and that blows.
I don't blame him.
I mean, I know all of you (yes all two of you) wait around, checking, re-checking to see if I've updated. And for that, I am thankful.
And for you -- I am grateful.
Okay. Enough of the baloney talk. Speaking of Bologna -- I haven't tasted that nasty stuff since I was a child, and frankly, have no desire to.
Gold Coast. Still bored. No, I kid. I kid. It's actually gotten a lot better. Probably since I found myself yet another sugar-daddy. He's an old one tho...I'll let you do the math -- born in 1968.
Friday was just a normal, typical day where I hung out with myself and my computer (I love thee, computer) and contemplated getting some exercise in. I decided to take a nice long walk on the beach during sunset. It was pretty awesome.
I came home and my roommate was there, asking me if I had anything planned for the weekend.
"Hey Mariah, you have any plans for the weekend..."
"Ha! Not like everyday isn't the weekend for you."
Thanks for the reminder, jerk. And, incaseyouwerewondering, Yes. I did give up on finding a job.
So. We chatted it up, he told me how tired he was from the week and wanted to get an early start to Brisbane in the AM (visiting family)...but, he got the call.
Oh. You know. "The Call" - the one that says, "Get off yo ass and get out there, son!"
So. I accompanied him to a tavern in Mermaid Beach called....Mermaid Beach Tavern. I met several of his co-workers, who were all very nice and open to meeting me. I ended up chatting up a STORM with his co-worker's sister, Priscilla. She was almost 24 (acted a tad bit younger) and full of energy. She hadn't been out in 4 months.
OHDEARGOD. Help me now.
Some guys approached us, telling us they were friends with Kelly Slater, who happened to walk by as we said this. Priscilla grabs him and says, "Are you Kelly Slater?"
Granted, the poor girl didn't know who that was. And I, on the other hand, knew alll about Kelly Slater. He grew up in Cocoa Beach, duh. And I wasn't about to be bullshitted about this celeb biz. So I tell his friend, "What high school did Kelly Slater go to?"
AND OF COURSE, he runs up to "Kelly" and says, "This girl says she went to high school with you..."
Mind you -- I did not. Kelly's like 38. Okay? I'm not. The End.
So, Mr. "Kelly" walks over and I ask him where he's from. He smirks and says, "Newcastle."
Done and done.
He smirked as he walked away, but daymn. He was a good looking chap.
And yes. He looked pretty much like this, but younger.
By this time, everyone was ready to go home whether they were tired or hungry or whatever. Priscilla and I were just starting though. So we had her brother drop us off at a club right around the corner from where I live called, East.
That's about where you want to go after this. Anywhere, but East. The place sucked. Cost us $15 to get in and everyone was plastic to perfection. I and, no offense, Priscilla are not.
I walked into the bathroom and as I was waiting in line, this girl turns to me and LITERALLY pats me on the head and says, "oh, how cute."
WTF. Look. I'm a backpacker and I'm not going to backpack with heels in my bag. So I wear flats. Something I don't enjoy doing all ready. But I deal with. And I definitely don't need some plastic whore telling me "I'm as cute as...oh what do you call them...MIDGET."
Pretty much after two dances, we left and moved on to a place called Liars. It's a pub down the road, almost right on the water.
We walk in, Priscilla's gettin a little wild and we do a shot of sambuca. Kill me. Then some older guy comes over and talks to me, blah blah blah, and tells me I'm just gorgeous, blah blah, he needs to go to the bathroom and I escape to where Priscilla is.
Where I happen to meet -- my new sugar daddy. Mr. Victor. From Canada, living in OZ for about 12-13 years. Moved here for a girl. But. He's a graphic designer, turned copywriter and I find him fascinating. We end up hanging out all night.
After a tequila shot and then a shot some random stranger buys us, we decide...LET'S GO TO THE CASINO!
We're insane.
So hand-in-hand, Victor and I start to leave Liars. Only to hear yelling behind us.
Yes. Priscilla had enough to drink for the entire bar and *click* turned into psycho drunk. Apparently someone had said something derogatory and that was all she needed. As we walked the, oh, 10 blocks to the casino -- she wouldn't STFU.
"I'm a firm believer in woman's rights and no one should ever talk to a woman like that."
I literally had to slap her around a couple of times, shook her once or twice and told her to stop it. The more she went on, the more she was empowering that guy to say more things like that. Guys love getting a rouse out of girls, I'm convinced, especially with women who like to make asses out of themselves on the streets.
Thanks for being part of that scenario, Priscilla.
At one point she ended up fall down, shoes off, crying on the sidewalk towards the Casino. Boy, oh boy. I hadn't hung out with someone like this for a LOOONG time. So I grabbed her hand, threw her in a cab (hope I didn't hurt her) and told the cabbie, "I don't know where she lives, but just get her home safely. Ok?"
And that was that. THANKGOD.
So, Victor and I head into the Casino and got, of course, more to drink. Unfortunately we were at that "lovey dovey" stage and started making out. We had not one, not two, but three people comment on our make-out session. Including the security guy that asked us to leave as we were bothering the other patrons.
WTF. I've never been kicked out of a club/bar/casino in my life. And for PDA?!
Awesome. As my friend RJ said, "What the hell? You could be f*cking in a Vegas Casino and they'd say to you, 'Um, excuse me, but could you just move to the left a little...perfect, thank you.'"
Yeah. We're awesome.
So the next day, after much recovery time, Victor and I met up and went to the Emerald Lake Golf Course for a late lunch. But instead, it turned into more drinking. Shameful, I know.
We just hung out, chatted about life, design, OZ, Canada and, of course, the States. We ended up going to a Thai restaurant, where luckily, we weren't kicked out per se. It was closing time, so we had to leave.
Then we decide to walk down to the beach and check out the stars. (Altogether now, AWWWW). But we heard live music and that means party time. It was coming from a Surf Club (which are all over OZ, like a yacht club, except without just old people). We went upstairs, saw people dancing, ordered two beers...which we got for free.
Hmm.. How odd. Whatever.
Then a lady comes up to us and says, "Are you all right?"
Of course, I nod my head and keep walking and she stops Victor and says, "You know, this is a private function."
OH HELL NO. We just got kicked out again?!?! But this worse -- we got kicked out for trespassing!
What an awesome track record.
We proceeded with our plans, went down to the beach and then called it a night.
On my walk home, this guy approached me from across the street about places to go to. I tell him about East and the like and he said the wait to get in was ridick. So I tell him about Surfers, but advice for him to get a cab. I love how people think I know what I'm doing. That's a good sign.
We talk for a minute and then he asks me to head out to Surfers with them.
*screech* Um. I think not. Besides, I hadn't been home since 3 that afternoon. I was lookin rough in daytime clothes (cute pink skirt with a green tank top). I was flattered, declined and went out separate ways.
GETTING TO SUNDAY -- maybe this is why I don't post....there's just too much to explain!
Victor calls me up asking me if I want to go to Byron.
Why the hell not.
So we head down to Byron, by way of a Jeep (so much fun). We drove along the coast and these are the things we saw:
There was a bodysurfing competition going on while we were in Tweed Heads -- the very last town before NSW (We're still in QLD at this point).
Then, we explore the very small, but beautiful town of Byron.
Luckily, we didn't get kicked out of any places, but I did eat a lot of fried food.
Too much fried food.
I'll break it down for you --
In Byron we ate at a place called Fishheads and had a fried seafood platter. Seafood isn't that great fried IMO. But whatevs. I counter balanced it with a nice healthy salad.
Then we had a beer at this really lively place -- but I can't recall the name. It was Sunday Funday for sure there.
We drove back and went to the Surf Club in Broadbeach -- Kurrawa Surf Club. I came here with my roommate on Thursday and the girl made me sign in, but didn't check ID or anything. She could've cared less.
So I start filling out the form with my name is Maria Ketch and she says she must check ID. Ah, well shit. So I rip it off and she, very sternly, asks me for the pass so she can throw it away.
So I write on there my details and I put FL, USA. And it went a little like this:
"Put your address there."
"I did."
"No, we need your address."
"Last time I came here, they asked for just where I'm from."
"Well, put USA there."
"I did."
"What does that say, I can't read that..."
"Well, put down the state."
"I did."
"What does that say?"
"No. That says FL, I don't know where FL is. If I'm from Australia and I put AU, no one will know what that means."
"But FL is Florida. I'm from Florida. On my license it says FL."
And that's when I thought I was going to get kicked out. But instead, we didn't and had more drinks and more fried food. But we had oysters too. Yum. Now, those were good.
I called it a night -- too much time with fried food, beer and Victor. I needed some me time.
But all in all. A damn good weekend. Damn good.
Funny thing -- I'm going to Byron on Wednesday. But don't tell Victor. I said I was moving on up the Coast on Wednesday.
Why, you ask, why Byron?
I'm meeting my Sydney boyfriend, Mr. Ross. YUP. We're traveling up the coast together.
Who would've thunk it?! Not I!
More to included!
I don't blame him.
I mean, I know all of you (yes all two of you) wait around, checking, re-checking to see if I've updated. And for that, I am thankful.
And for you -- I am grateful.
Okay. Enough of the baloney talk. Speaking of Bologna -- I haven't tasted that nasty stuff since I was a child, and frankly, have no desire to.
Gold Coast. Still bored. No, I kid. I kid. It's actually gotten a lot better. Probably since I found myself yet another sugar-daddy. He's an old one tho...I'll let you do the math -- born in 1968.
Friday was just a normal, typical day where I hung out with myself and my computer (I love thee, computer) and contemplated getting some exercise in. I decided to take a nice long walk on the beach during sunset. It was pretty awesome.
I came home and my roommate was there, asking me if I had anything planned for the weekend.
"Hey Mariah, you have any plans for the weekend..."
"Ha! Not like everyday isn't the weekend for you."
Thanks for the reminder, jerk. And, incaseyouwerewondering, Yes. I did give up on finding a job.
So. We chatted it up, he told me how tired he was from the week and wanted to get an early start to Brisbane in the AM (visiting family)...but, he got the call.
Oh. You know. "The Call" - the one that says, "Get off yo ass and get out there, son!"
So. I accompanied him to a tavern in Mermaid Beach called....Mermaid Beach Tavern. I met several of his co-workers, who were all very nice and open to meeting me. I ended up chatting up a STORM with his co-worker's sister, Priscilla. She was almost 24 (acted a tad bit younger) and full of energy. She hadn't been out in 4 months.
OHDEARGOD. Help me now.
Some guys approached us, telling us they were friends with Kelly Slater, who happened to walk by as we said this. Priscilla grabs him and says, "Are you Kelly Slater?"
Granted, the poor girl didn't know who that was. And I, on the other hand, knew alll about Kelly Slater. He grew up in Cocoa Beach, duh. And I wasn't about to be bullshitted about this celeb biz. So I tell his friend, "What high school did Kelly Slater go to?"
AND OF COURSE, he runs up to "Kelly" and says, "This girl says she went to high school with you..."
Mind you -- I did not. Kelly's like 38. Okay? I'm not. The End.
So, Mr. "Kelly" walks over and I ask him where he's from. He smirks and says, "Newcastle."
Done and done.
He smirked as he walked away, but daymn. He was a good looking chap.

By this time, everyone was ready to go home whether they were tired or hungry or whatever. Priscilla and I were just starting though. So we had her brother drop us off at a club right around the corner from where I live called, East.
That's about where you want to go after this. Anywhere, but East. The place sucked. Cost us $15 to get in and everyone was plastic to perfection. I and, no offense, Priscilla are not.
I walked into the bathroom and as I was waiting in line, this girl turns to me and LITERALLY pats me on the head and says, "oh, how cute."
WTF. Look. I'm a backpacker and I'm not going to backpack with heels in my bag. So I wear flats. Something I don't enjoy doing all ready. But I deal with. And I definitely don't need some plastic whore telling me "I'm as cute as...oh what do you call them...MIDGET."
Pretty much after two dances, we left and moved on to a place called Liars. It's a pub down the road, almost right on the water.
We walk in, Priscilla's gettin a little wild and we do a shot of sambuca. Kill me. Then some older guy comes over and talks to me, blah blah blah, and tells me I'm just gorgeous, blah blah, he needs to go to the bathroom and I escape to where Priscilla is.
Where I happen to meet -- my new sugar daddy. Mr. Victor. From Canada, living in OZ for about 12-13 years. Moved here for a girl. But. He's a graphic designer, turned copywriter and I find him fascinating. We end up hanging out all night.
After a tequila shot and then a shot some random stranger buys us, we decide...LET'S GO TO THE CASINO!
We're insane.
So hand-in-hand, Victor and I start to leave Liars. Only to hear yelling behind us.
Yes. Priscilla had enough to drink for the entire bar and *click* turned into psycho drunk. Apparently someone had said something derogatory and that was all she needed. As we walked the, oh, 10 blocks to the casino -- she wouldn't STFU.
"I'm a firm believer in woman's rights and no one should ever talk to a woman like that."
I literally had to slap her around a couple of times, shook her once or twice and told her to stop it. The more she went on, the more she was empowering that guy to say more things like that. Guys love getting a rouse out of girls, I'm convinced, especially with women who like to make asses out of themselves on the streets.
Thanks for being part of that scenario, Priscilla.
At one point she ended up fall down, shoes off, crying on the sidewalk towards the Casino. Boy, oh boy. I hadn't hung out with someone like this for a LOOONG time. So I grabbed her hand, threw her in a cab (hope I didn't hurt her) and told the cabbie, "I don't know where she lives, but just get her home safely. Ok?"
And that was that. THANKGOD.
So, Victor and I head into the Casino and got, of course, more to drink. Unfortunately we were at that "lovey dovey" stage and started making out. We had not one, not two, but three people comment on our make-out session. Including the security guy that asked us to leave as we were bothering the other patrons.
WTF. I've never been kicked out of a club/bar/casino in my life. And for PDA?!
Awesome. As my friend RJ said, "What the hell? You could be f*cking in a Vegas Casino and they'd say to you, 'Um, excuse me, but could you just move to the left a little...perfect, thank you.'"
Yeah. We're awesome.
So the next day, after much recovery time, Victor and I met up and went to the Emerald Lake Golf Course for a late lunch. But instead, it turned into more drinking. Shameful, I know.
We just hung out, chatted about life, design, OZ, Canada and, of course, the States. We ended up going to a Thai restaurant, where luckily, we weren't kicked out per se. It was closing time, so we had to leave.
Then we decide to walk down to the beach and check out the stars. (Altogether now, AWWWW). But we heard live music and that means party time. It was coming from a Surf Club (which are all over OZ, like a yacht club, except without just old people). We went upstairs, saw people dancing, ordered two beers...which we got for free.
Hmm.. How odd. Whatever.
Then a lady comes up to us and says, "Are you all right?"
Of course, I nod my head and keep walking and she stops Victor and says, "You know, this is a private function."
OH HELL NO. We just got kicked out again?!?! But this worse -- we got kicked out for trespassing!
What an awesome track record.
We proceeded with our plans, went down to the beach and then called it a night.
On my walk home, this guy approached me from across the street about places to go to. I tell him about East and the like and he said the wait to get in was ridick. So I tell him about Surfers, but advice for him to get a cab. I love how people think I know what I'm doing. That's a good sign.
We talk for a minute and then he asks me to head out to Surfers with them.
*screech* Um. I think not. Besides, I hadn't been home since 3 that afternoon. I was lookin rough in daytime clothes (cute pink skirt with a green tank top). I was flattered, declined and went out separate ways.
GETTING TO SUNDAY -- maybe this is why I don't post....there's just too much to explain!
Victor calls me up asking me if I want to go to Byron.
Why the hell not.
So we head down to Byron, by way of a Jeep (so much fun). We drove along the coast and these are the things we saw:

Luckily, we didn't get kicked out of any places, but I did eat a lot of fried food.
Too much fried food.
I'll break it down for you --
In Byron we ate at a place called Fishheads and had a fried seafood platter. Seafood isn't that great fried IMO. But whatevs. I counter balanced it with a nice healthy salad.
Then we had a beer at this really lively place -- but I can't recall the name. It was Sunday Funday for sure there.
We drove back and went to the Surf Club in Broadbeach -- Kurrawa Surf Club. I came here with my roommate on Thursday and the girl made me sign in, but didn't check ID or anything. She could've cared less.
So I start filling out the form with my name is Maria Ketch and she says she must check ID. Ah, well shit. So I rip it off and she, very sternly, asks me for the pass so she can throw it away.
So I write on there my details and I put FL, USA. And it went a little like this:
"Put your address there."
"I did."
"No, we need your address."
"Last time I came here, they asked for just where I'm from."
"Well, put USA there."
"I did."
"What does that say, I can't read that..."
"Well, put down the state."
"I did."
"What does that say?"
"No. That says FL, I don't know where FL is. If I'm from Australia and I put AU, no one will know what that means."
"But FL is Florida. I'm from Florida. On my license it says FL."
And that's when I thought I was going to get kicked out. But instead, we didn't and had more drinks and more fried food. But we had oysters too. Yum. Now, those were good.
I called it a night -- too much time with fried food, beer and Victor. I needed some me time.
But all in all. A damn good weekend. Damn good.
Funny thing -- I'm going to Byron on Wednesday. But don't tell Victor. I said I was moving on up the Coast on Wednesday.
Why, you ask, why Byron?
I'm meeting my Sydney boyfriend, Mr. Ross. YUP. We're traveling up the coast together.
Who would've thunk it?! Not I!
More to included!
byron bay,
gold coast,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Latin Lover
So apparently, I should definitely visit South America.
Why, you ask?
Because Latin American males LOVE me.
There's just no denying that fact.
I could be because I have a big ass, it could be because I have red hair. But all those aside, they want ME.
So. I get a call tonight from a couchsurfer I met last week. Yes. We met up last week, went to Bond University and had a few drinks (okay several) and then we went out separate ways. Sort of. Let's just say, I left and he grumbled.
Out of the blue, he called me tonight to meet him up in Surfers. Did I comply? Yes. HELL YES. I'm bored out of my mind here, anything stimulating is a plus. Ok?
So. I get ready, walk myself to the bus stop where I wait. And wait and wait.
Meanwhile, while I'm...waiting for the bus, a car drives by and throws something at me. Srsly. Scared the heck out of me, but luckily didn't hit me. So I stand up to see what exactly they threw and it Egg.
AN EGG. Who does that?!?
I was pretty pissed off, needless to say. And also majorly annoyed with this town. I didn't realize we were back in high school.
This made me revert back to a memory of mine. That happened oh so long ago.
I was in high school, yes you guessed it. And I had sort of dated this guy that kind of, sort of blew me off. So my friend Dax and I decided to get revenge. Oh, poor Dax. I put that guy through so much.
Anyway, we drove over to the Gate gas station and bought some eggs at 2am -- we had just gotten done going to a club near this guy's house. As we were buying the eggs, the cashier tells us, "Ya know, those eggs are rotten."
We both said at the same time, "Even better."
As we drove around the complex of this guy's apartment, I couldn't find his car. So, we're scrambling around trying to figure out where else we can egg something of his. As we're thinking about it, he drives up, gets out of his car and walks into his place.
PERFECTO! So Dax slowly, with headlights in the off position, drives his truck by this guy's car while I pathetically throw the 'rotten' eggs around his car.
You guys. I didn't even hit the target. I missed it completely.
You know in the morning he came out to his car was like, wtf. Did someone drop their eggs while coming into their apartment?
Yeah. That was me. I dropped the eggs rather than threw them.
Okay. Back to the story. So. I go meet him (Cesar, Mr. Latin Couchsurfing Lover) at Waxy's, an Irish bar on the "strip" and meet his friend Aldofo. Who, apparently, is someone I should know. He's a travel agent for Peru. He loves to talk Peru vs. America vs. Australia and promised me that if I visit him, he'll hook me up with everything.
Anyway. We have a couple of beers there, end up going to Melba's -- the local club -- to find out it's dead. DEAD. Moving on, we went to a place called Drink. Srsly. It's called Drink.
So we went up 14 flights of stairs to get to this place to find out, it's way better than Melba's tonight. We drink a few more beers, dance a little then call it "a night."
Both the guys get pizza -- I'm not allowed to, based on how much I've gained here -- and we walk FOREVER to get to Cesar's car. My ankle started to act up at this point.
At this point, I'm ready to get home to write this post and Cesar's a little on the drunk side. He tells me he needs a little rest and I say absolutely not. Hah. I'm hardcore, ladies and gent. When I want to go home -- I want to go home. Ok?
He's convinced and drives down the Gold Coast HWY like a Grandma. BUT. We did listen to Rigatoni -- the type of music we heard in Nicaragua. It was AWESOME. He stops the car in front of the McDonald's on the corner (What? I don't want him to know where I live) and proceeds to tell me how much he wants me.
He wants me in front of the McDonald's? I think not sir.
So. I get the H out of his car, tell him I'll see him tomorrow all the while he's trying to grab me to keep me in his car (aggressive mofos aren't they?). But I escape and walk my ass home.
I'm kind of dreading to see him tomorrow, but it's the same thing as last week's extravaganza. Bond University at Don's. Too Much Fun. Count. Me. In.
So. Latin men, watch out -- I'm visiting your country next. I need to find me a husband!
Why, you ask?
Because Latin American males LOVE me.
There's just no denying that fact.
I could be because I have a big ass, it could be because I have red hair. But all those aside, they want ME.
So. I get a call tonight from a couchsurfer I met last week. Yes. We met up last week, went to Bond University and had a few drinks (okay several) and then we went out separate ways. Sort of. Let's just say, I left and he grumbled.
Out of the blue, he called me tonight to meet him up in Surfers. Did I comply? Yes. HELL YES. I'm bored out of my mind here, anything stimulating is a plus. Ok?
So. I get ready, walk myself to the bus stop where I wait. And wait and wait.
Meanwhile, while I'm...waiting for the bus, a car drives by and throws something at me. Srsly. Scared the heck out of me, but luckily didn't hit me. So I stand up to see what exactly they threw and it Egg.
AN EGG. Who does that?!?
I was pretty pissed off, needless to say. And also majorly annoyed with this town. I didn't realize we were back in high school.
This made me revert back to a memory of mine. That happened oh so long ago.
I was in high school, yes you guessed it. And I had sort of dated this guy that kind of, sort of blew me off. So my friend Dax and I decided to get revenge. Oh, poor Dax. I put that guy through so much.
Anyway, we drove over to the Gate gas station and bought some eggs at 2am -- we had just gotten done going to a club near this guy's house. As we were buying the eggs, the cashier tells us, "Ya know, those eggs are rotten."
We both said at the same time, "Even better."
As we drove around the complex of this guy's apartment, I couldn't find his car. So, we're scrambling around trying to figure out where else we can egg something of his. As we're thinking about it, he drives up, gets out of his car and walks into his place.
PERFECTO! So Dax slowly, with headlights in the off position, drives his truck by this guy's car while I pathetically throw the 'rotten' eggs around his car.
You guys. I didn't even hit the target. I missed it completely.
You know in the morning he came out to his car was like, wtf. Did someone drop their eggs while coming into their apartment?
Yeah. That was me. I dropped the eggs rather than threw them.
Okay. Back to the story. So. I go meet him (Cesar, Mr. Latin Couchsurfing Lover) at Waxy's, an Irish bar on the "strip" and meet his friend Aldofo. Who, apparently, is someone I should know. He's a travel agent for Peru. He loves to talk Peru vs. America vs. Australia and promised me that if I visit him, he'll hook me up with everything.
Anyway. We have a couple of beers there, end up going to Melba's -- the local club -- to find out it's dead. DEAD. Moving on, we went to a place called Drink. Srsly. It's called Drink.
So we went up 14 flights of stairs to get to this place to find out, it's way better than Melba's tonight. We drink a few more beers, dance a little then call it "a night."
Both the guys get pizza -- I'm not allowed to, based on how much I've gained here -- and we walk FOREVER to get to Cesar's car. My ankle started to act up at this point.
At this point, I'm ready to get home to write this post and Cesar's a little on the drunk side. He tells me he needs a little rest and I say absolutely not. Hah. I'm hardcore, ladies and gent. When I want to go home -- I want to go home. Ok?
He's convinced and drives down the Gold Coast HWY like a Grandma. BUT. We did listen to Rigatoni -- the type of music we heard in Nicaragua. It was AWESOME. He stops the car in front of the McDonald's on the corner (What? I don't want him to know where I live) and proceeds to tell me how much he wants me.
He wants me in front of the McDonald's? I think not sir.
So. I get the H out of his car, tell him I'll see him tomorrow all the while he's trying to grab me to keep me in his car (aggressive mofos aren't they?). But I escape and walk my ass home.
I'm kind of dreading to see him tomorrow, but it's the same thing as last week's extravaganza. Bond University at Don's. Too Much Fun. Count. Me. In.
So. Latin men, watch out -- I'm visiting your country next. I need to find me a husband!
gold coast,
surfers paradise
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
So, here's a random rundown of my life while you were sleeping...
I got off my ass and job hunted, but didn't find anything...again. Nobody's hiring guys. And of course, the owners/managers are never there. It's proving to be a bit difficult.
So. I ate to make myself feel better.
Then I decided to catch up on a film and watched 1/2 of The Day the Earth Stood Still
And got bored.
So I went to the gym. Yay me.
I came home, showered, checked in w/ my boring roommate and politely asked him for a ride down to Waxy's Irish Pub to get a least a beer for St. Patty's Day.
I met up with a few people from CouchSurfing. And guess what? They're definitely potential friends. We'll see.
But. I left early because I forgot to put on deo and I definitely smelled pretty skank (sad...I know).
Now, I'm here, chillin b4 bed, checkin my email and guess who writes me?
No. Srsly. GUESS.
Nope. Wrong. I was surprised too.
It was the crazy bitch from Western Australia that read my blog and freaked..
And guess what it says:
"Hey Mariah, I hope you are enjoying your time still in OZ , Mum and Dad said you had a nice time down south with Dan & betty , Stay in touch.
Ashley :)"
And I totally deleted her on facebook b/c I didn't want to hear anything from her/them ever again. I'll stick to my Grandpa. He's the real deal. KThxBye.
So, here's a random rundown of my life while you were sleeping...
I got off my ass and job hunted, but didn't find anything...again. Nobody's hiring guys. And of course, the owners/managers are never there. It's proving to be a bit difficult.
So. I ate to make myself feel better.
Then I decided to catch up on a film and watched 1/2 of The Day the Earth Stood Still
And got bored.
So I went to the gym. Yay me.
I came home, showered, checked in w/ my boring roommate and politely asked him for a ride down to Waxy's Irish Pub to get a least a beer for St. Patty's Day.
I met up with a few people from CouchSurfing. And guess what? They're definitely potential friends. We'll see.
But. I left early because I forgot to put on deo and I definitely smelled pretty skank (sad...I know).
Now, I'm here, chillin b4 bed, checkin my email and guess who writes me?
No. Srsly. GUESS.
Nope. Wrong. I was surprised too.
It was the crazy bitch from Western Australia that read my blog and freaked..
And guess what it says:
"Hey Mariah, I hope you are enjoying your time still in OZ , Mum and Dad said you had a nice time down south with Dan & betty , Stay in touch.
Ashley :)"
And I totally deleted her on facebook b/c I didn't want to hear anything from her/them ever again. I'll stick to my Grandpa. He's the real deal. KThxBye.
gold coast,
Quick Video
Here's a video I put together of all the pictures I took in Western Australia. It's not at all how I wanted it to turn out, but it was really time consuming to redo it. KThxBye.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today was a fairly eventful day, except I didn't find a job.
I went to 6am spin, did a few weight machines and felt really good. Very proud of myself for gettin off my ass and gettin some workout did.
I called up my mom and we had a long, long chat about life and everything about it. She told me to just get out there and enjoy what this place really has to offer.
And you know what? She's absolutely right.
But that's what bums me out about this situation -- I've been back and forth from my place today, chatting with friends from back home and overall, not really enjoying my stay here on the Gold Coast. I need to explore Queensland, but am so afraid to do so because of money. It sucks.
So I've made a plan. If I can't find a job by Friday -- coincidentally when my rent is paid up to -- I'll hop on a bus and take my ass to Brisbane, or Noosa, or maybe even Fraser Island. Live out the rest of my working visa on the road, as I have been for the past month. Then change my flight to come home April 11th rather than the 30th.
What do you guys think? I really do want to stick it out, because I should be enjoying my time regardless if it's exciting or not, but this is something I've really contemplated. Besides, to transfer my work visa to a travel visa I have to pay $240. That blows. Especially since I'll only be here for two weeks after I change it.
But, yes, my flight is booked for April 30th. It would probably cost me about $100 to change it...I'm guessing.
I need advice. Bad.
I went to 6am spin, did a few weight machines and felt really good. Very proud of myself for gettin off my ass and gettin some workout did.
I called up my mom and we had a long, long chat about life and everything about it. She told me to just get out there and enjoy what this place really has to offer.
And you know what? She's absolutely right.
But that's what bums me out about this situation -- I've been back and forth from my place today, chatting with friends from back home and overall, not really enjoying my stay here on the Gold Coast. I need to explore Queensland, but am so afraid to do so because of money. It sucks.
So I've made a plan. If I can't find a job by Friday -- coincidentally when my rent is paid up to -- I'll hop on a bus and take my ass to Brisbane, or Noosa, or maybe even Fraser Island. Live out the rest of my working visa on the road, as I have been for the past month. Then change my flight to come home April 11th rather than the 30th.
What do you guys think? I really do want to stick it out, because I should be enjoying my time regardless if it's exciting or not, but this is something I've really contemplated. Besides, to transfer my work visa to a travel visa I have to pay $240. That blows. Especially since I'll only be here for two weeks after I change it.
But, yes, my flight is booked for April 30th. It would probably cost me about $100 to change it...I'm guessing.
I need advice. Bad.
gold coast,
The Gold Coast
My first two days on the Gold Coast were fairly uneventful. But that's okay.
I arrived at the Coolangatta Airport, around 8:30pm. I immediately booked my shuttle bus to the hostel, grabbed my big-ass bag and hopped on board. I actually turned my computer on just to see if I had internet, and I did. It was kind of cool.
As we drove down the Gold Coast Highway, I got a real feel for Miami. There were tall buildings everywhere, tons of lights and loads to do. The bus didn't drop me off right in front of my hostel, so I had to hobble my way to the hostel with 35 bags in tow. It was awesome. I felt pretty cool.
I checked into the hostel and my first impression wasn't the greatest. Although it was a Tuesday night, not much was going on. I went to my room and there were two girls from the UK watching tv. How fun.
I went into my room and there was an Asian girl sitting on the bunkbed just blankly staring into her laptop. Oh. Did I mention there was no air conditioning?
I pretty much put up my stuff then hobbled my way over to Bundall -- where I was going to meet a potential roommate. I was going to hop in a cab, but there just aren't any cabs just floating around. You pretty much have to call and book them. I figured, what the heck, the place isn't that far....
With a hurt ankle -- yes, it was that far. I walked across two bridges, through a residential area and then a shopping center just to get to this guy's place. He was nice, his place was nice -- very secure -- but it seemed hella far.
I took a cab back to the hostel. Cost me $10.
When I came back the girls were still watching TV, so I stopped and talked for a little bit. They were nice enough. Young. But nice. Then I went to bed. I had made plans to meet up with a girl in Helensvale around 9:30am.
That night, sleeping with no air conditioning, with crazy people screaming in the streets, I did not sleep. Not. At. All.
Got up in the morning dreading to take a shower -- this was definitely not the cleanest of bathrooms. Plus it was pretty gloomy out -- had rained off and on at night. But I hopped a bus to Helensvale and found myself pretty far out there. The cool thing was all the shops -- tons of potential jobs, etc. Only thing was once she picked me up, we drove for about 10 minutes to get to her place, which was not convenient at all.
Plus her place wasn't that great anyway.
I came back to the hostel where the cleaning ladies came in and literally changed the linens. The End.
No wonder the bathroom was so gross! They didn't do SHIT!
So I decided to walk around Surfers, get a feel for the place...found a boutique that was selling perfume for $5. I decided that I must go back there.
Afterwards, I met up with a guy I met from online. Yes. I do that when I know no one. He was very nice, drove an amazing Mercedes. I felt really special. He took me down to Broadbeach because it was a little less crazy than Surfers. And boy, was he right. We walked up and down the street until we found a good seafood place to try. It was pretty good -- I had steamed prawns (shrimp) with salad. Healthy, yes?
I left him for a hot minute because I was meeting up with a potential roommate. I went over to the guy's place in Broadbeach to see if I wanted to move in. The answer was YES. He literally lives in a prime location -- a block away from TONS of restaurants, etc -- you already know this from a previous post.
Anyway. I told him I was able to move in immediately and he said he wanted to sleep on it.
Then Eddie, the guy I met from the 'net, took me to The Spit. And WHOA. He delivered on that one. It was amazing. It's basically just a jetty that stretches out and the waves were just crashing like crazy! It was such a spectacular sight with the moon lighting the ocean, the waves crashing into the rocks and the sand blowing everywhere. Incredible.
Eddie dropped me off and I met two UK girls who were so friendly and nice. We both told each other of our romantic lives and said we couldn't wait to hear of the outcome -- like our stories were a romance novel. It was cute.
Anyway. I called up Paul -- the guy who lives way the H out there -- and told him I'd move in. I was getting nervous that the other guy, Todd, wanted to sleep on it. I was scared!
So I checked out of my hostel and moved over to Paul's place. But since I knew there was potential that Todd would say yes, I put my bag in a storage locker at the hostel -- so I wasn't moving it more than once.
And wouldn't you know, as I'm making the walk across Chevron Island to Bundall -- Todd calls me to tell me I can move in.
So. I make up my mind that I'll hang at Paul's for a little bit and see if I like it.
I did like it. But I didn't have internet there.
So I left my groceries at Paul's and dipped out to Broadbeach to see if I had internet there. Todd wasn't home -- he was at work -- so I just sat on the stairs and BAM. I had internet.
Decision made. Thank you very much.
So I hung out at the hostel for pretty much the whole day (bought myself a $5 bottle of delicious Christian Dior perfume) and met a girl from the States. She sucked.
Then, I took my bag and made my way over to Todd's to move in. He was very nice, super friendly.
But, I was off to go meet another guy I met from online. He invited me out to Bond University to hang at a pub on campus. I met him from -- a very cool website. Very handy.
So, I unpacked three things, put sheets on my bed (which is a mattress on the floor), took a shower and off I went to Bond!
But this post is long my adventures will have to wait for another time. Which I promise will be soon. I'm unemployed, remember? I ain't got nuffin to do!
I arrived at the Coolangatta Airport, around 8:30pm. I immediately booked my shuttle bus to the hostel, grabbed my big-ass bag and hopped on board. I actually turned my computer on just to see if I had internet, and I did. It was kind of cool.
As we drove down the Gold Coast Highway, I got a real feel for Miami. There were tall buildings everywhere, tons of lights and loads to do. The bus didn't drop me off right in front of my hostel, so I had to hobble my way to the hostel with 35 bags in tow. It was awesome. I felt pretty cool.
I checked into the hostel and my first impression wasn't the greatest. Although it was a Tuesday night, not much was going on. I went to my room and there were two girls from the UK watching tv. How fun.
I went into my room and there was an Asian girl sitting on the bunkbed just blankly staring into her laptop. Oh. Did I mention there was no air conditioning?
I pretty much put up my stuff then hobbled my way over to Bundall -- where I was going to meet a potential roommate. I was going to hop in a cab, but there just aren't any cabs just floating around. You pretty much have to call and book them. I figured, what the heck, the place isn't that far....
With a hurt ankle -- yes, it was that far. I walked across two bridges, through a residential area and then a shopping center just to get to this guy's place. He was nice, his place was nice -- very secure -- but it seemed hella far.
I took a cab back to the hostel. Cost me $10.
When I came back the girls were still watching TV, so I stopped and talked for a little bit. They were nice enough. Young. But nice. Then I went to bed. I had made plans to meet up with a girl in Helensvale around 9:30am.
That night, sleeping with no air conditioning, with crazy people screaming in the streets, I did not sleep. Not. At. All.
Got up in the morning dreading to take a shower -- this was definitely not the cleanest of bathrooms. Plus it was pretty gloomy out -- had rained off and on at night. But I hopped a bus to Helensvale and found myself pretty far out there. The cool thing was all the shops -- tons of potential jobs, etc. Only thing was once she picked me up, we drove for about 10 minutes to get to her place, which was not convenient at all.
Plus her place wasn't that great anyway.
I came back to the hostel where the cleaning ladies came in and literally changed the linens. The End.
No wonder the bathroom was so gross! They didn't do SHIT!
So I decided to walk around Surfers, get a feel for the place...found a boutique that was selling perfume for $5. I decided that I must go back there.
Afterwards, I met up with a guy I met from online. Yes. I do that when I know no one. He was very nice, drove an amazing Mercedes. I felt really special. He took me down to Broadbeach because it was a little less crazy than Surfers. And boy, was he right. We walked up and down the street until we found a good seafood place to try. It was pretty good -- I had steamed prawns (shrimp) with salad. Healthy, yes?
I left him for a hot minute because I was meeting up with a potential roommate. I went over to the guy's place in Broadbeach to see if I wanted to move in. The answer was YES. He literally lives in a prime location -- a block away from TONS of restaurants, etc -- you already know this from a previous post.
Anyway. I told him I was able to move in immediately and he said he wanted to sleep on it.
Then Eddie, the guy I met from the 'net, took me to The Spit. And WHOA. He delivered on that one. It was amazing. It's basically just a jetty that stretches out and the waves were just crashing like crazy! It was such a spectacular sight with the moon lighting the ocean, the waves crashing into the rocks and the sand blowing everywhere. Incredible.
Eddie dropped me off and I met two UK girls who were so friendly and nice. We both told each other of our romantic lives and said we couldn't wait to hear of the outcome -- like our stories were a romance novel. It was cute.
Anyway. I called up Paul -- the guy who lives way the H out there -- and told him I'd move in. I was getting nervous that the other guy, Todd, wanted to sleep on it. I was scared!
So I checked out of my hostel and moved over to Paul's place. But since I knew there was potential that Todd would say yes, I put my bag in a storage locker at the hostel -- so I wasn't moving it more than once.
And wouldn't you know, as I'm making the walk across Chevron Island to Bundall -- Todd calls me to tell me I can move in.
So. I make up my mind that I'll hang at Paul's for a little bit and see if I like it.
I did like it. But I didn't have internet there.
So I left my groceries at Paul's and dipped out to Broadbeach to see if I had internet there. Todd wasn't home -- he was at work -- so I just sat on the stairs and BAM. I had internet.
Decision made. Thank you very much.
So I hung out at the hostel for pretty much the whole day (bought myself a $5 bottle of delicious Christian Dior perfume) and met a girl from the States. She sucked.
Then, I took my bag and made my way over to Todd's to move in. He was very nice, super friendly.
But, I was off to go meet another guy I met from online. He invited me out to Bond University to hang at a pub on campus. I met him from -- a very cool website. Very handy.
So, I unpacked three things, put sheets on my bed (which is a mattress on the floor), took a shower and off I went to Bond!
But this post is long my adventures will have to wait for another time. Which I promise will be soon. I'm unemployed, remember? I ain't got nuffin to do!
gold coast,
surfers paradise
Hi. Remember me?
Sorry I've been slacking on the posts. I hate moving to a new place -- always hard to get into the swing of things.
I've been incredibly busy here on the Gold Coast. It's GORGEOUS here, a lot like Coogee, except with a ton more to do.
Although. No one's hiring.
That's gonna be a problem.
So. Tomorrow's Monday and it's a day I've dedicated to calling potential employers and doing some door knocking.
And if it doesn't work out, I might be backpacking up to the most beautiful spots in Queensland and then dipping out. Which might mean I might be coming home sooner?
This is hard. I'm super homesick today. It could be the fact that I'm really getting to be flat broke, sleeping on a mattress on the floor and I know no one.
My roommate is a guy from Melbourne -- he's really nice, but a bit of a loner too. He doesn't go out much, which isn't a terrible thing.
And I'm not having a horrible time. I just know I'm not having a super fantastic time. I want to have BBQs on the beach with "mates" and go exploring the city with friends and..and...and...
I'll write a post soon about everything I've been up to. It's a lot. But I'm just in a "I-miss-friends-and-home" mood right now. Oh. And I'm already sick of eating tuna cuz it's $1. I'm broke, ppl. Broke.
I've been incredibly busy here on the Gold Coast. It's GORGEOUS here, a lot like Coogee, except with a ton more to do.
Although. No one's hiring.
That's gonna be a problem.
So. Tomorrow's Monday and it's a day I've dedicated to calling potential employers and doing some door knocking.
And if it doesn't work out, I might be backpacking up to the most beautiful spots in Queensland and then dipping out. Which might mean I might be coming home sooner?
This is hard. I'm super homesick today. It could be the fact that I'm really getting to be flat broke, sleeping on a mattress on the floor and I know no one.
My roommate is a guy from Melbourne -- he's really nice, but a bit of a loner too. He doesn't go out much, which isn't a terrible thing.
And I'm not having a horrible time. I just know I'm not having a super fantastic time. I want to have BBQs on the beach with "mates" and go exploring the city with friends and..and...and...
I'll write a post soon about everything I've been up to. It's a lot. But I'm just in a "I-miss-friends-and-home" mood right now. Oh. And I'm already sick of eating tuna cuz it's $1. I'm broke, ppl. Broke.
gold coast,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I lied.
I'm not moving there anymore. Haha
Well I kinda did, but I'm kicking myself out. Found another place, closer to the beach, closer to A LOT of nightlife and shops and restaurants (JOBS, PPL!) and it's $20 cheaper.
But the kicker. My internet didn't work at the other place. So I've literally walked and bussed my ass over here just so I could check to see if it'll work here.
Hence, why I'm writing you.
I love you Macbook. And I love you too, 3 internet.
May all three of us be happy here!!
Well I kinda did, but I'm kicking myself out. Found another place, closer to the beach, closer to A LOT of nightlife and shops and restaurants (JOBS, PPL!) and it's $20 cheaper.
But the kicker. My internet didn't work at the other place. So I've literally walked and bussed my ass over here just so I could check to see if it'll work here.
Hence, why I'm writing you.
I love you Macbook. And I love you too, 3 internet.
May all three of us be happy here!!
gold coast,
surfers paradise
I'm Coming Home....
Well. Not technically. And not yet.
I found me a place to live in Surfers Paradise.
Well. Across an island to Surfers. But it's on the Gold Coast.
Here's what a realtor said about the place:
* 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
* Stylish and spacious inner city apartment
* Pool, Spa, Sauna and BBQ area
* Full Security Complex with Intercom
* Every convenience just minutes away
And that's about the truth.
Honestly. The best part -- world class gymnasium.
THANK GOD. I've gained so much weight here in OZ, I'm ready for some healthy fitness.
Here's a few lovely pictures of the complex -- not the apartment I'm moving into..TOMORROW. Did I mention I'll have my own bedroom and my own bathroom? WHAAATT!

And the roommate. He's a DJ. A Dance DJ. And, I'm really looking forward to that. Maybe he'll take me along to a gig in Brisbane? Purtty Pleazzzee! OR! Maybe he'll hire me to do a few flyers or even a LOGO ;-) Prolly not. but a girl can dream.
I found me a place to live in Surfers Paradise.
Well. Across an island to Surfers. But it's on the Gold Coast.
Here's what a realtor said about the place:
Location, Location, Location!!!
This stylish apartment is located perfectly to suit a busy lifestyle with the heart of Surfers and Southport minutes away. Also, the Cafe scene of Chevron Island is only a short stroll and there's a world class gymnasium and corporate centre as your neighbour. City Chic!!* 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
* Stylish and spacious inner city apartment
* Pool, Spa, Sauna and BBQ area
* Full Security Complex with Intercom
* Every convenience just minutes away
And that's about the truth.
Honestly. The best part -- world class gymnasium.
THANK GOD. I've gained so much weight here in OZ, I'm ready for some healthy fitness.
Here's a few lovely pictures of the complex -- not the apartment I'm moving into..TOMORROW. Did I mention I'll have my own bedroom and my own bathroom? WHAAATT!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sadistic Motherf...
I think the damage has been done. I'm over. They were over it.
They are going to come to the airport to "see me off."
I think it's not necessary to keep putting salt in the open wound. I was prepared to say GOODBYE via email. But now I have to face the motherf-ers and be all fake and cheery while they make me feel like a dick. Evenmoreso.
Nice one, Guys. 'Preciate it. Assholes.
They are going to come to the airport to "see me off."
I think it's not necessary to keep putting salt in the open wound. I was prepared to say GOODBYE via email. But now I have to face the motherf-ers and be all fake and cheery while they make me feel like a dick. Evenmoreso.
Nice one, Guys. 'Preciate it. Assholes.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Big Bad Storm
Hmm. Haven't heard from ANYONE in regards to the BIG-ASS cyclone hitting Queensland.
Don't y'all (yes, I said y'all) know I'm leaving W.A. and going there on Tuesday?
Everyone was SOO worried about the fires in Victoria when I left for Melbourne.
"Are you sure you should go?!"
"Are you going to be okay?"
"It's made International News, aren't you worried?!"
But a cyclone. The impitimy of a hurricane and NO ONE GIVES A DAMN.
Don't ANY of you CARRRRREE?!??!
Guess not.
And there really isn't anything to be worried about. I painted a picture for you.

Anyway. Off on Tuesday. Getttttting excited!!!!
gold coast,
surfers paradise,
Friday, March 6, 2009
In regards to the title, think about it. J.C. Stands for someone's name...
And that's about how I feel. COM'ON!
Leave me ALONE! I haven't had drama follow me for this long....EVER.
Leave me ALONE! I haven't had drama follow me for this long....EVER.
Basically. The drama I had OVER A WEEK AGO is still going on. Only this time, I got an email saying I've been forgiven.
But that pissed me off more than just leaving it with never knowing. Maybe I didn't want to know whether they forgave me or not -- it was in my past. BUT NOW. It's right back smack in front of my face.
Again. Let me say this.
I could use a serious screaming match right now.
Anyone up for the challenge? I think I'll win.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My last days in Perth...
Hi Guys! Been awhile, eh?
Sorry. I'm just not motivated to write. Sad. I've taken a ton of pics too -- these are of Friday Night out at the Casino. And Saturday at the park before I was handed over to the G-parent's kids. And then one shot of Perth at Night. I'll write more a little later, but enjoy for now.

Cute Aussie guy "given" to me by Ashley. She's next to me. And nothing happened with him. He's 21. Pssh.
To Everything There Is A Season...
I know I haven't updated you on all the fun things I've done with G-pa this weekend...and unfortunately, this isn't that post.
I just want you all to know that I was just sitting on their computer (since mine doesn't get internet here) and started to tear up.
Oh no. Not because I'm just overjoyed to be spending the week with my long-lost grandfather. Not because we've been reminiscing about the memories of my dad and his brothers and my crraazzzy grandmother. Not because these grandparents have been bending over backyards (srsly, they used to be in the circus) to make me feel welcome and special.
I'm sitting on a computer, playing spider solitaire and slowly, VERRRRY SLOWLY, watching my life pass me by. And I'm not getting any younger. And I'm not going to find my husband via the computer. Well, maybe playing WOW (World of Warcraft something or other), but definitely not by playing spider solitaire.
IT'S CALLED SOLITAIRE FOR A REASON. People DIE solitarialy....alone....when playing it. DIE.
So I'm off.
To ride a bike.
Borrowed from the cute, Aussie, taken neighbor.
That has gears. (the bike, not the bloke)
And front brake handles.
Dear God. Help me now.
Love ya!
I just want you all to know that I was just sitting on their computer (since mine doesn't get internet here) and started to tear up.
Oh no. Not because I'm just overjoyed to be spending the week with my long-lost grandfather. Not because we've been reminiscing about the memories of my dad and his brothers and my crraazzzy grandmother. Not because these grandparents have been bending over backyards (srsly, they used to be in the circus) to make me feel welcome and special.
I'm sitting on a computer, playing spider solitaire and slowly, VERRRRY SLOWLY, watching my life pass me by. And I'm not getting any younger. And I'm not going to find my husband via the computer. Well, maybe playing WOW (World of Warcraft something or other), but definitely not by playing spider solitaire.
IT'S CALLED SOLITAIRE FOR A REASON. People DIE solitarialy....alone....when playing it. DIE.
So I'm off.
To ride a bike.
Borrowed from the cute, Aussie, taken neighbor.
That has gears. (the bike, not the bloke)
And front brake handles.
Dear God. Help me now.
Love ya!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Just wanted to give you a quick update.
I'm in Dunsborough. Just met my Step-G-pa. And ya know what?
He's awesome. He's so happy to meet me, we have a ton of graphic arts in common, his wife is an amazing painter and they're damn funny.
Old. But funny.
I love them. Srsly.
Moving on.
I'm in a MAJOR dilemma. I can't figure out if I should stick it out here in Dunsborough, get a job and make some cash before blowing it all in Queensland.
OR. Staying here a few days, prolly enough to get my diving certification (yes. I'm serious. It's expensive, but it's forever and they apparently have the best diving here in W.A. Almost better -- if not better -- than the Great Barrier Reef. Whaaa?), then go off to Queensland and find accommodation and a job there. Thinking Surfer's Paradise. It's not glamorous. It's not Aussie. But it's party touwn. So much of a party, the town is spelled with a u to emphasize the party atmosphere.
Your call people. Lemme know.
And. BTW. I haven't forgotten about the douche bag back in Perth who made my heart sink cuz I was stupid enough to bad-mouth her family. Openly. And, no, I haven't heard from her after my apology.
Also. I got a voicemail from my Sydney boyfriend, but I'm thinking about making him wait. I dunno. I'm still kind of wrapped up with him in my mind, I think I need a break. Get him out of my head and then contact him to let him know I'm alive. And over him.
Advice on any of the above is helpful. Really helpful.
I'm in Dunsborough. Just met my Step-G-pa. And ya know what?
He's awesome. He's so happy to meet me, we have a ton of graphic arts in common, his wife is an amazing painter and they're damn funny.
Old. But funny.
I love them. Srsly.
Moving on.
I'm in a MAJOR dilemma. I can't figure out if I should stick it out here in Dunsborough, get a job and make some cash before blowing it all in Queensland.
OR. Staying here a few days, prolly enough to get my diving certification (yes. I'm serious. It's expensive, but it's forever and they apparently have the best diving here in W.A. Almost better -- if not better -- than the Great Barrier Reef. Whaaa?), then go off to Queensland and find accommodation and a job there. Thinking Surfer's Paradise. It's not glamorous. It's not Aussie. But it's party touwn. So much of a party, the town is spelled with a u to emphasize the party atmosphere.
Your call people. Lemme know.
And. BTW. I haven't forgotten about the douche bag back in Perth who made my heart sink cuz I was stupid enough to bad-mouth her family. Openly. And, no, I haven't heard from her after my apology.
Also. I got a voicemail from my Sydney boyfriend, but I'm thinking about making him wait. I dunno. I'm still kind of wrapped up with him in my mind, I think I need a break. Get him out of my head and then contact him to let him know I'm alive. And over him.
Advice on any of the above is helpful. Really helpful.
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