After getting ourselves an awesome ice cream cone with free toppings. ALL. THE. FREE. TOPPINGS. YOU. COULD. WANT. We left Noosa with heads high and smiles on our face.
We were hungry for lunch and decided to take a back road to Rainbow Beach. Finding ourselves on top of yet another amazing mountain.
And being with someone you're not to comfortable around when something like that happens -- especially if he's English and acts all proper -- is not fun. Not. Fun. At. All.
On the long drive to Rainbow Beach, I started to feel the stomach pains. But of course, I had to keep my composure and act like it was all good in the hood.
But it wasn't. Oh no. It wasn't.
That drive was probably the longest drive ever. And then to show up at Rainbow Beach to see there was literally a petrol station (gas station), 2 backpacker hostels and a surf club didn't make it any better.
We checked in right away and asked about Fraser Island.
Guess when the next tour was going out?
Nope. Not Friday. Not Saturday.
MONDAY. It was Tuesday when we arrived and they said Monday??!
Oh Hellll No.
So we checked into our room pissed we spent $40 to stay in this shit town. We gave each other weary smiles and we went to the surf club to get some cheap beer. This time. It was cheap.
We sat outside overlooking the ocean calling all the places in Rainbow Beach and none of them were going until the following week. So we succumbed and called Hervey Bay which all were going out on Thursday.
DAMNIT! Ross was right. The Lonely Planet was right. I felt like a poo face.
We joked as we called around and found the best-for-us deal and booked it right then and there. Then we went back to the hostel, chatted with a girl about her travels and we were off to find some grub.
We ended up at a cafe that had a hamburger and chips deal with $8.50. We split it, but Ross was so tired from not sleeping the night before and driving, he was not good company. And that worried me more than anything. I got all defensive and he got weirded out. It was bad.
We ended up sleeping in separate beds that night. His call. Which made me re-evaluate the situation. Even contemplating about changing our course of being together to being just friends.
In the morning, everyone in the hostel room (which happened to be all girls) left before 7am which gave us time to talk things out. We concluded it was all good and we were just tired and being stupid.
Ross and I checked out of the crap hostel and decided to have brekky on the beach. Unfortunately, it was really windy and we were worried we would have sand for breakfast. So we backtracked to the hostel and cooked there. It was a pleasant meal with decent conversation. I think we were back on course at that point.
Then I decided it was my turn to drive. I did rather well, but any time I hit a bump or made a turn too quickly, I always felt like Ross was clutching the side of the car, scared I was going to hurt his baby. Not sure if that feeling will ever go away.
We drove through a town called Maryborough. It's known for the birth place of the author of Mary Poppins. Sad. I know. There were tons of Mary Poppins memorabilia all over the place. Almost in a creepy way.
The problem arose when we literally had 10km until the car's tank was empty. And since I'm driving, I'm freakin.
To to the point where Ross is enjoying himself telling me a story that I interrupt him to KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR PETROL STATIONS, DAMNIT! Yet another heated moment between to the two of us.
I've finally updated my blog to the point of where I am now. We made it to a gas station in time where I yelled some more because he wouldn't take my money. We're splitting this trip in 1/2, but he keeps paying for stuff. Not because he's so sweet and doesn't want me to pay. No. So my debt to him keeps racking up to the point that I'll owe him $1,000 by the end of it.
But out of the kindness of his own heart and how he hates change, he didn't use my money for the petrol because he didn't want me to have to bother with change.
It's petty sh!t like this that is driving me nuts. Luckily, we're having a separation moment again. He's off swimming in the ocean, while I'm here updating my blog. Cuz I love you guys. And I need to vent.
I'm thinkin Ross and I are on Day 8 and we haven't killed each other. Yet. So that must be a good sign. Spending 24/7 with someone is hard already...especially if you don't know that person that well.
So. I breathe. I try to get out of my head. I relax.
Any pointers would be lovely and appreciated.
Tomorrow. We go on a self-guided 4WD tour with 7 other people to one of the most exquisite places in Australia.
I'm ready. It'll be good for us to meet new people and have OTHER people to talk to.
Trust me. I'm still enjoying myself. I really am. And I know I'll have QUITE the stories to share with you as soon as I get back from Fraser. All positive. I hope.
girl - you are adventurous, that's for sure.. You just need to chill - take a breather (which it sounded like you were in this blog). It seems like you're having an awesome time the majority of the time and that Ross is a great guy.
This cracked me up:
I always felt like Ross was clutching the side of the car, scared I was going to hurt his baby. Not sure if that feeling will ever go away.
D does this to me whether we're driving his car or mine. DRIVES ME NUTS.
hey mariah, i forgot your sailing for a couple of days. still i hope i see you before i leave Cairns for Port Douglas. Call me to let me know where you're at :)
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