Honestly. They're allowed to.
It's a really beautiful place, lots of pretty people and people with a lot of money. This is where the Australians go. I see no problems with that. If I had money. I'd be in Noosa. Le sigh.
We found ourselves a backpacker place in the Lonely Planet (surprise, surprise) and decided to call up the YHA -- which is known for it's Southern US charm. Huh? I dunno. That's what it said. Apparently the large white column porch is where it's at. Sounds spectacular. But they were booked -- or had a twin room for $75.
Nope. We were gonna be sneaky. Really sneaky. Ross was going to go into reception and ask for 1 bed. ONE bed. Then. Sneak me in and get the price of 2 for 1. Holla. It worked like a charm. Not too shabby. Can't complain when you don't mind sleeping next to someone. Someone rather thin and lanky. I can deal with that.
We arrive fairly early, so we had some time to poke around Noosa. We got ourselves a "supposed-to-be" cheap beer at the Surf Club. It overlooked the ocean, so we couldn't complain too much.
We did some exploring (one of them being to find a Mickey D's for some free internet -- which didn't work) and found ourselves a the movie theatre. Ross loves movies. Loves them. So I indulged in a movie for him. Not for me. Nothing was playing that I was interested in.
What'd we see?
It was all right. But nothing to write home about. And nothing worth paying $13 for. Oh well. It was something to do.
We then went to a bar called Irish Murphy's and had ourselves some drinks. Then we were off to the grocery store to picked up some fish for din-din. Ross apparently makes a very good red wine fish. Um. Ew? That sounded bizarre, but I had faith in him and that was good enough.
We made our dinner in the filthy, packed kitchen and then drank a ton of Goon. A lot of goon. Then we went to the hostel bar for some drinks and fun, but ended up gettin into a serious conversation (again, my fault) and the night turned a bit sour.
All would've been fine if the guy above us was snoring like a bear in hibernation.
This guy won the award for most variety. Whether he was on his back, side, front, downward dog position, he had a snore for it. It was horrific. Even with earplugs neither of us got sleep, which didn't help our moods for the next day.
Oh boy did that not help.
I ended up driving down to Noosa Beach so we could get a beer and discuss our plans a little bit further. It was my fault. I had 3 people tell me to go to Fraser Island via Rainbow Beach. Not Hervey Bay. And Ross was solely depending on his....Lonely Planet book about Hervey Bay. I wanted to throw that damn book out the window and say FORGET IT!
So. As we were looking for parking spots (I'm sorry, I was driving...as I was looking for a parking spot...), we got into the ever popular, "Let me drive! Damnit!" argument. I got in a pissy mood, he got into a quiet mood and the rest was history. He sat himself down at a table overlooking the ocean with a nice cool beer in his hand, while I got a glass of crap water reluctantly sitting next to him.
Luckily, this guy likes to talk through his feelings, but damn. That wasn't easy. And wasn't something I wanted to do again.
We finally agreed we'd go to Rainbow Beach, in which I called up the hostel I had read about -- Fraser on Rainbow Beach. They had vacancy and we booked ourselves two bed.
Why two?
If we're going to do the tour -- which is per person -- we have to be...two different people. So off we were to Rainbow Beach. The place that would bring everything back into perspective....or so we thought...
OH NO! don't fight :( so sorry :(
Hi, baby! Look who's reading your blog! I think 8 days is quite an accomplishment! Don't over-analyze! Can't wait to hear about Frazier Island. Hope you are having fun! Will call soon!
Love, Your Mama and Birthday Boy Kerry
P.S. Kerry loves his Australian hat - a new fishing hat :)
Yooooooo Pimp whats up i know i know its been awhile ...forgive me?
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