Yes. I am alive.
Sorry it's been so long. We've had a bit of a rough week since last post so it was hard to write happy-go-lucky posts when I was really feeling like...Oh, I don't I wanted to kill the world.
But I'm all smiles now.
Well -- I leave to come HOME on Thursday. Four days. Where has the time gone?!? It's a bittersweet feeling, really. I'm happy to see my family, my friends, *cough* my cat, all that familiar-ness I haven't seen in five months.
And I'm bummed, well, cuz it's the end of my journey here. For now.
But money is nice. And I need some. Pronto. Not a great feeling when you're B-R-O-K-E.
Foss and I are living in Tennyson because it's HELLA cheap. Literally -- we pay $120/week for the both of us. That's $60/week. For some poor people, that's awesome. It's a bit out of the way, but we're loving the freedom to do as we please and have a "home" to come...home to. Rather than a car.
We've done some pretty cool things.
Our first night in Brisbane, we stayed at Brisbane Backpacker Resort. We met some really nice people and we played cards with them after we all made fajitas together.
A German guy sat next to us and joined in -- he made the night that much better -- so much fun!
Afterwards, we moved into our place in Tennyson. Then we went for dinner to celebrate our new beginning in Brisbane. A place called Kaliber caught our eye due to the cheap steak dinner they offered. We got a bit silly.
After a short night out, we decided we wanted to go home. Home, ppl. Nice feeling.
But. Foss' car battery decided to DIE. And when I mean die, I mean DEAD. Nothing left to even jump it. Geeezzzz. So took a cab home. Ugh. Remember. We're broke.
So we got our housemate Tim to come help us change out the battery. It was fun.
Since the battery was fixed, we decided to pick up some grub and cook some burgers. Hellz Yeah!
Note the lack of Heinz Ketchup in this photo. I've been without it for 5 months. They have it here, but it's just too damn expensive! And Tomato Sauce is cheap. And accepted by everyone.
The next day we went into the city...
...and visited a museum. A free museum.
Then we chilled at the "fake beach"
The next day, Foss had a few interviews, so I went into the city with him to hang out and take it all in. I really like Brisbane -- it's got character, but all the people here are UGLY. It's quite a pity.
But then I came across this...
And it took three employees to get be out of the store and breathing back to normal.
So. What else do you do after a Twilight attack?
You get your nose pierced.
And yes. It hurt like a bitch. But it's really cute!
So we went for lunch at Wagamama's -- one of Foss' favorites. Me. Not-so-much. It be PRICEY.
Hence the $7 salad. That was, delicious.
Then Foss had a second interview that I just sat around for (god, I'm a good g/f, no?)
The next day we did NOTHING and it was fantastic. Then, we finally got off our butts and went to check-out the lookout at Mount Coot-tha.
We got there just before sunset, so we got to see Brisbane's city view at dusk and then at night.
Afterwards, we met up with some couchsurfers and played poker (those ppl bez weird, no lie), but it was nice to meet some people and get out of the house.
Foss had another day of interviews (hopefully he gets one) and we didn't do a whole lot. just hung out in the city and then Tim, our housemate, cooked up a lamb stew. And we watched Eagle Eye. Which wasn't terrible.
We celebrated ANZAC day the next day with booze, couchsurfers and snags (sausages)...
This is Tim. We met him playing poker and then again on ANZAC day. He's by far the coolest couchsurfer I've met.
Afterwards, we went to a party with a "flying-fox" (aka zip-line). Now that was quite the celebration. Especially when the people throwing the party decided to climb their own walls.
No. Seriously. They were climbing the crown-molding around the doors. What can I say -- they're rock-climbers that can't stop for a minute.
Today's a lazy day. We're enjoying the relaxed Sunday vibe. Our housemate, Tim, is trying his luck with a garage sale. But he's selling crap. Pure crap. It's actually quite humorous. Considering we live in a very ritzy area -- he ain't gonna sell much.
Tomorrow we're venturing over to the Australia Zoo (Steve Erwin's place) and spending the rest of the week just enjoying Australia together.
You guys. Foss and I were talkin last night and we figured out that we've only known one another for 3 months. Actually known that the other existed for three months. We've only a month and a half together.
And we haven't killed one another and everyday gets better....what is this about?
Who knows? But I just know it feels good. Damn good.